2. My Path

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Okay so I apologize but I will be going with the current votes I got so there was 2-Wood Release, 1-Rinnegan, 1-Yin/Yang release and 0-Fuinjutsu. Wow I thought Fuinjutsu would win but I guess not. So Wood Release it is! I woulf let it go on longer though but no one was really voting, so sad😢 but the vote is still on for the pairing choices as each girl got one vote so keep it up! I got this chapter to give so we'll focus on Wood Style, pairing will come later once decided. Anyway, enjoy!

(Time skip-2 years)

It has been a a couple of years since Naruto met Luna and Kichiro and signed the Fox contract and things have been going good so far. His family still ignores him completely so he doesn't really care anymore. Honestly they could honestly suck his dick, he already had family and in a few days, he'll be free. Today, it's the Triplet's birthday and every year, their parents would throw a gigantic party that half the village was invited to.

It was honestly stupid to him. Why throw a party that big and invite people they barely know? Sure the clan heads kinda make sense. It's like a friend/diplomatic type thing as they want their heirs and heiresses to establish a fine connection with one another and built even bigger reputation because they were associated with the Hokage or better yet, the Fourth Hokage's clan: the Uzumaki and Namikaze, but mostly Uzumaki as the Namikaze's weren't really that well known. It didn't really matter to him much because while Naruko and Menma get to party and get the awesome gifts, Naruto leaves the house to train in secret or just go away amd relax, not caring about the family.

He tried to be apart of it all those years ago and they don't even remember his existence so why even bother? So why he was so excited was not because of his birthday really, its because the Academy graduation was coming up, which meant he can really let loose. During the years of his time in the academy, Naruto had to dumb himself down....like a lot. While he had the talent to match up against the top students like Menma, Naruko, Sasuke, Sakura(in terms of smarts) and Sayuri, Sasuke's twin, Luna ordered him to keep his training and jutsu's to himself until it was time to be a Genin.

He had to wait because he could do what he wanted as a free person and not have to take crap from anybody. Sure, he still had to listen to his 'Father' and whatever Jonin instructor he got but that was only during missions, they can't control his personal life. Over they years, Naruto learned a great deal with the foxes. His Taijutsu style was mixed a bit with Foxes and Wolves style. He mixed it up a bit during his few years learning as he realized they blend really well together.

The Fox style focuses on evasive and counter strikes, always waiting for the enemy to make his/her move before coutnerong them, tiring them out within the process while the Wolf style is more of a offensive version of that, grappling your oppenent with high level type strikes so when mixed, it's actually really deadly if he can get a handle on it. His at an intermediate stage so it's coming along quite nicely. His Genjutsu wasn't something to laugh at either. The one thing he can actually thank his biological parents was for genes in the abundance of chakra he had. No matter how he looked at it, he was an Uzumaki, which means, "chakra fucking monster".

So normally, it'd be a bad thing because his chakra control would automatically suck donkey dick but he had the right summons, fortunately. Foxes have an abundance of energy as well, which is probably why most of them are hyper as all living hell as well as pranking bastard as Kichiro was always getting at him with some sort of prank whether it be eating his shoes, jumping on his stomach while he slept, scaring him whenever he walked anywhere, etc. So, since they are sneaky and hyperactive little foxes, they are extremely good with illusions as just channeling the chakra outside was like a illsion to all unprepared victims.

So he didn't need to learn actual Genjutsu, all he needed to do was channel chakra outside his body, he can trap people in Genjutsu. It gets stronger depending how dense he makes his chakra and he can make it pretty dense but his still need considerable amount of control so that was a bit slow going. His Ninjustu was his favourite. His chakra affinities were Water, Earth and a bit of Fire. It wasnt surprising since he was an Uzumaki so the water and earth wasn't surprising much and he could guess the fire came from Kyubi. What did surprise him however was what he could do.

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