26. The Training Trip In The Forest

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It's been a solid two days since the Menma and Sasuke retrieval mission ended in pure failure and right now, the hospital workers were working on the double to save the lives of the Shinobi sent out on said mission. Five Shinobi out of seven were critically injured thanks to the enemies that they faced.

Choji Akamichi was greatly suffering from his clan's secret attack, the three colored pills. Taking each one has a certain side effect and when eating the last one, the red one, is where an Akamichi is supposed to die as the true consequence of that power. Luckily for Choji though, the medical corps that arrived with Kakashi and Itachi stabalized him before he succumbed to the consequence.

Neji Hyuga was also in critical condition as that Kidomaru guy was a long ranged fighter, A Hyuga's worst fear, and only got worse for him when he went into stage two. Neji suffered multiple blows in his body and some hit in critical areas like his kidney and lungs, thankfully, he was able to deal with Kidomaru before he passed out from blood loss and was thankfully saved by medical corps too.

Kiba Inuzuka and his dog companion, Akamaru, were injured a lot too since they were facing the Sound twins Sakon and Ukon. Akamaru was hurt pretty badly though, his legs were pretty banged up and Kiba suffered a Kunai wound inflicted by himself since he was trying to hurt Ukon, who merged with Kiba at the time but it wasn't life threatening though that was due to Minato also enlisting some help from Suna to help out. They owed it to them after the shit they pulled in the Chunin Exams. Kankuro was tasked into saving Kiba, while Temari was tasked into saving Shikamaru from Tayuya and Gaara saved Lee from Kimimaro.

Unlike everyone else on the Konoha team, Lee and Shikamaru weren't gravely hurt but they did suffer some injuries. Shikamaru suffered from a broken finger trying to counter Tayuya's Genjutsu while Lee suffa few cuts and scrapes from the Kaguya’s sharp bones but they were otherwise fine.

Sayori Uchiha was going through it, though, since she was stabbed by Orochimaru. The battle with Sasuke alone left her pretty tired and had no chakra left plus the fact that he had broke her left wrist. She also had taken quite a beating when Sasuke was ampked up on whatever that seal gave him so he had fun time smashing his fists on her body. The wound itself was serious but it was treatable, the problem was getting the poison out since she was stabbed with Orochimaru's trusted Snake Sword.

Shizune wasn't enough to help with the poison so she had to call her master, Tsunade for the full treatment on her since she had come in counter with her ex-teammates poison before, she came up with an elixir only she would know how to make. Once Sayori took that, the other injures were dealt with easy.

Last but certainly not least, Naruto Kitsune. He... Was perfectly healthy as can be thanks to the Nine Tails chakra. No mortal injuries were really found on his body since the Nine Tails was already healing him plus with Uzumaki recovery, he was healed the fastest among his other comrades. Sure he had a few cracked ribs but once Shizune healed those, Naruto was just as right as rain.

In fact, Naruto was talking with Kurama at this very moment and the two were just relaxing, playing a cool game of tic-tac-toe on the ground of Naruto's mindscape while his real body was resting in the real world.

In Naruto's Mindscape

Naruto would use his fire to burn a O into the ground while Kurama would use his long nails to scratch and X on the ground. A few minutes of playing this game in silence and Kurama jumped up and roared in anger while Naruto smirked at him "You mother fucker! You cheated!". "I don't cheat Kurama, I just win". "You win By CHEATING!". "Relax Fuzzynuts! It's not that bad, I just won 10 games in a row, no fuss".

Kurama just growled at him before letting lose a mighty roar that made Naruto fly to the wall. "Fuck YOU NARUTO! I SWEAR TO GOD, I FUCKING HATE YOU! FUCK..... YOOOOOOOUUUUUU!". Naruto just smiled and laughed as Kurama walked in a circle and plotted himself down on the ground with his face in between his hands, almost like a pouting dog. "Awwwwww, Fuzzynuts... Don't be like that..... ". "Fuck you....". "Come on, don't be all hostile like that! I know what you want, how about a belly rub!". "Touch me and I'll kill you, I'm dead serious".

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