45. When Things Are Too Good To Be True...

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Fugaku was rushing away from the border of the fire nation, where his fellow shinobi were waiting for him to assist them on their mission but when he made it to the border, the entire platoon was slaughtered. Every. Single. One. And the platoon was up to 20 shinobi of Konoha. Fugaku would've investigated but he was under attack from the shadows, he couldn't pick up their chalra signature, not even his own Sharingan could save him. Not knowing where the enemy was coming from, his only choice was to flee.

He would retreat and when the coast was clear, he'd send word to the Hokage of what transpired while waiting for further orders. 'But I just need to get away from here first!' Fugaku thought as he ran from the forest but as he continued to run, something appeared before his path. It looked to be a mini warp hole. A man popped out of it, a man wearing a orange swirling mask with one eye whole on the right side. He also wore a black cloak with red clouds on it. 'Akatsuki...the ones after the Tailed Beasts' he thought, preparing for the fight of his life.

Once the man fully materialized, he spoke in a dark tone. "Hmmm, well, aren't you the proud Uchiha. Your teammates. They're the other way, remember?". Fugaku growled. "You bastard! You're the one who killed them, didn't you?! My fellow Konoha brethren!". The masked nin scoffed. "Brethren? You really call those Konoha scum brethren? Hn, the Uchiha really bought into Hashirama's Will of Fire nonsense!". Fugaku glared into the man with his Sharingan but what froze him was when he saw a Sharingan glare back at him. "What are you?!" Fugaku said as he pulled out two kunai. "You can say, I'm a ghost of the old wars.....".

Fugaku glared at him. He only knew of one person who would be called a ghost of old wars and has the Sharingan. Only one man and it struck fear in the Uchiha clan head. "I-Impossible! You can't be....you're not...". "Ah, so you catch on quick. You're not one of the more folly members of the clan. That is expected of the current Uchiha clan head. Are you scared?". Fugaku steeled his nerves and glared hard at the man, his eyes turning into new pattern Sharingan. "Not even close....". If Madara was surprised, he didn't show it.

"Oh ho, the Mangekyou Sharingan! My, I didn't think any other Uchiha besides myself were able to awaken it. You must've went through a great deal in order to obtain those eyes". Fugaku rushed at him impatiently. "You don't know the half of it!". As Fugaku came close to connecting, Madara side stepped and kicked him to the ground. "But it seems you have only just awakened your eyes and haven't honed them yet. Do you truly know the power of the eyes you weild? Do you know the true power of the Mangekyou Sharingan?".

Fugaku got up from the floor in an instant, trying to swipe at Madara's neck with a kunai but the man simply jumped back from tbe pathetic attempt. "The Mangekyou Sharingan, the eyes that weild the power to control the Nine Tails isn't that right?". "Exactly, so you've read the Uchiha stone tablet. Not many Uchihas bothered with it due to the fact that their Sharingan were too weak to decipher it but yours is strong enough. With that in mind, you should do this task easily". Fugaku looked confused at the man. "What are you getting at?".

"The Nine Tailed fox of Konoha, Naruto Kitsune. He houses the beast. Your eyes can control him and the Tailed Beast. As the Uchiha clan head and the father of the Kitsune's girlfriend, you have the means to get close to Naruto and plan the Genjutsu on the boy to get him to the Akatsuki. With that in mind, we can bring the Uchiha back on top again! Fugaku, you can restore the Uchiha's greatness!". Fugaku widened his eyes. "You can reunite the clan: Sayori, Sasuke, Itachi, Shisui, all of them! You can bring true restoration!". Fukagu thought long and hard about it. The Uchiha had tried the whole coup d'ètat trick before against Konoha since the clan had been sitting on years and years of disrespect since the reign of the Second Hokage.

The clans hatred has been growing over time but ever since the Fourth Hokage took reign in office, the hatred had fully manifested into outrage and many, including him were thinking of civil war. Though it never happened with the combined efforts of his eldest son Itachi, Shisui and the talks between Minato and Hiruzen. It also came into knowledge that if they tried anything, too many factors were against them. The Fourth hokage, the two remaining Sannin, The Third Hokage when he was alive, Kakashi of the Sharingan, and even Minato's own son, Naruto Kitsune would prove troublesome after his display at the Chunin Exam Finals. Many of the Uchiha later backed down and peace between the village began to exist.

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