10. Chunin Exam Prelims: Yakumo's Time To Shine!

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"Uhhhh what am I doing in here?" Naruto asked as he looked at the fox. Kurama looked down at him, pretty pissed off. "Gee, I don't know. I thought you would know?! But hey now I remember now, it's because YOU FUCKING GOT MARKED BY THAT STUPID SNAKE SANNIN! I knew that Uchiha girl was trouble but damn it all to hell!". Naruto looked at Kurama in confusion before remembering. "Oh right! He gave me the curse mark, yeah, how are we about that by the by?".

Kurama just looked down at him and groaned. "Well, since he sent his chakra into you with the curse seal, I had to burn out his essence and remove the mark from your body by using the LAST BIT OF MY CHAKRA I JUST GOT BACK, MEANING I HAVE NO CHAKRA AGAIN! so yeah, I say your good....". Naruto rubbed his head sheepishly as he looked up to the Fox. "Hehehe, sorry". Kurama sighed but grumbled something. "Huh? What was that Kurama?".

Kurama grumbled again but a little louder. "What?!". "I said I'm glad that you're alright!!! Happy?! Fuck....". Naruto was nearly blown back by the booming of Kurama's yell but when he recollected himself, he smiled. "Thanks, Fuzzynuts!". Kurama began to growl as he then spoke softly before he roared. "Get out".

(real world)

Naruto opened his eyes to see he was in a gray room with white curtains on their rods on the ceiling, with a window on the right side of his bed. 'Okay, I'm in the infirmary of some sort! Damn, I guess that means we failed the test....' he thought pretty bummed out at the thought of losing the exam. They were so close to passing, they had a plan and they were strong to execute it but one little mishap and everything came crumbling down.

Naruto began to glance around the room some more to see that there was a person on his left. The raven haired girl with the Uchiha symbol on her back was sleeping on his bed with her arms on her head, her face turning to the opposite of him. "Sayori....." he mumbled. 'Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, she was here! She hasn't left your side since you were put in here!'. 'Yeah since you were so quick to kick me out, Kurama!'. 'I refuse to be called such a vulgar name such as "Fuzzynuts". I demand respect!'.

Naruto sighed in annoyance. His fox was too much and should accept his name. 'Look, kit. You have to be more careful. You're not like those two Uzumaki siblings where they have my chakra to heal from their injuries. You just happen to be lucky I had that much chakra from your sister to save you from the Snake's Curse Seal otherwise you'd be dead or God knows what. Sometimes, you have to let people get their just desserts....'.

'So you'd rather have me watch Sayori get marked with this and maybe watch her die or turn into whatever this seal does?' Naruto frowned in his response. 'I'D RATHER HER THAN YOU, NARUTO!'. The two were quiet for a while, neither of them saying anything as they had to digest what the other person had said. 'Naruto, I don't mean that I don't care for the Uchiha girl, which says A LOT coming from ME of all people but you're my top priority. I'm not in the Uchiha girl, or that Kurama girl or that sensei of yours. Not your siblings, not your parents or God parents. My presence, with or without chakra, is in YOU. I need to look out for YOU. So when shit goes down, if no other option, I'm gonna look for the best case scenario that involves your survival. Even if it means to leave your friends behind...'.

Naruto sat their in silence, completely thinking of what his tenant just said. 'That's kind of messed up Kurama....but I get where you're coming from... But it doesn't mean I agree though' he replied. Naruto continued to sit there talking to his tenant untill he heard a loud yip that from the ground and jumped up into Naruto. "YOU'RE AWAKE! NARUTO-SAMA!" Kichiro cried out. He felt so relieved his master was alright and well. Naruto smiled as he petted his fox, getting a pur from him.

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