7. A Purpose To Strength

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It was 8 am in the morning on the first day before Zabuza was predicted return and the three teams have had their breakfast and is now in the further part of the backyard of Tazuna's house for their training. In front of them was Kushina and Anko as Mikoto decided to stay back and watch the house in case something happens to the family while the teams train.

"So? What are we training in today Kaa-chan? Some cool knew Jutsu?" Menma started and Sasuke smirked, seeing as that's what they have to be training in. Sasuke sent a small little one eyed glare at hi sister. He forgot on the heat of the moment since she targeted him about being weaker than the dobe and being gay(WHICH IS NOT TRUE) and Sakura for being a weak waste of space(which is true) but he noticed his sister had unlocked the Sharingan when he himself, a true Uchiha elite, didn't. He would have answers for this as he will not be upstage by a woman, Uchiha or not.

"No, Menma-kun, actually we're gonna teach something more important-". "TREE CLIMBING!!!" Anko said in glee which her own team sighed, knowing this was a waste of their time while the other teams frowned. "Um.... Anko-Sensei, we already know how to climb trees" Naruko stated. Kushina smiled. "Yes but remember Naru-chan, where left off at that training?". Naruko and Menma remembered what she was talking about as they skipped this part of training while Naruto was completely shocked. 'T-T-They still haven't mastered this chakra control excersise yet?! Are actually fucking kidding me? Are they that slow?' he thought while Kurama chuckled.

'And they ditched you for them kit. I swear the human race is doomed'. Naruto nodded. They were doomed and there's no saving them. He channeled back to see Anko and Kushina demonstrate the excersise. "So, remember guys, too much chakra at the soles of your feet, you'll explode off the tree, too little, you won't stick at all". With that, Kushina threw 8 kunai at the Genin, one for each kid. "Use those to mark your highest point and when you go again, try and beat that mark". "GO YOU LITTLE SHITS!" Anko barked as the Genin besides her team ran up the tree, trying to get up the tree.

Kushina turned to Naruto and his team. "What's wrong, Sochi? Can't do it? You want me to show you?!" she asked, jumping at the opportunity to finally get some bonding time with her eldest son. Naruto glared at her while Kichiro growled. "Are you forgetful as you are fucking annoying? Me as well as Uchiha-San and Kurama-San have walked on water yesterday for almost a full hour. That indicates that we have already surpassed this level of chakra control". Anko, who winced at the hostility Naruto threw at her, spoke up. "He's right Kushina-sama, I've taught team 12 these chakra control already, they'll be focusing on their own needs. Yakumo, you said you wanted to train in your Taijutsu?". Yakumo nodded. "Yes, the snake style you gave me is still a bit tricky. I need a bit of help getting the katas right".

Anko smiled. "Right, well I'll help you with that. Sayori, are you troubled with anything?". Sayori shook her head. "I'll go train with Kaa-chan with my Sharingan and maybe gain a few usuful Jutsu". "And, I'll go train with my fox summons. They have some stuff they wanna teach me and Kichiro". The Fox yipped at that as he was excited for his training. Sasuke and Menma glared at that and the former spoke up first. "Why do they get to train in the more usuful techniques while I'm here doing this useless chore?! I'm an Uchiha! I demand to train in those things too!". "Exactly! What makes them so special?!". "DOBE!/LOSER!" The two egotistical jerks called as they hopped of the tree and stormed there way to Naruto.

"I demand you give me that contract and your foxes, they'll do better to teach an Uchiha then you, a failure". "Hand it over Naruto!" Menma finished. Sayori stepped in. "You're such a little shit disturber, Sasuke. Can't you ever work for something instead of demanding it? You're just like Tou-sama, a hopeless copycat loser!". Sasuke moved to backhand her but with hrr Sharingan active, she saw it coming from a mile away. "Too slow, too pathetic" she muttered before pushing him to the ground. Naruto blushed a bit as he saw Sayori defend him again. 'Why is she doing that? I thought she hated me? She's picking fights with her own kin, for me. Why?' Naruto thought.

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