56.5 Hokage To-Be! The Future Is In My Grasp

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"I.....am gonna be the Sixth Hokage?". Tsunade nodded her head. "Yes, that is the plan". "The Rokudaime Hokage?". "Yes, Naruto.....". "Six Paths Hokage?". Both Jiraiya and Tsunade raised their eye confusion. "I don't know where you got that idea but....I guess?" She answered, unsure of what to even say to that. Naruto was astonished to say the least. Not even mildly shocked. He was flabbergasted. Never in a million years would he believe that he, himself, would ever be nominated for Kage! While the thought of being one did grace his mind but it left as soon as it landed, believing it to be too much trouble.

To be nominated, hell, to even be a candidate, people had to really, really like you. During the days of when this village despised him for something out of his control, the thought of being seen as a neutral person was struggle, much less be liked. Now to have this happen.....it crashed his brain. Sure, he knew he was well liked now due to his recent events in the village but to be so respected that he was to be nominated for the next position of Hokage? There was silence in the office as Tsunade saw the shock enter his eyes so she gave him his time to process his thoughts as she understood the shock and weight of such a huge responsibility being dumped on your shoulders. When she found out she was elected as Hokage this morning, she was dumbfounded. She was internally still mourning Shizune but she knew her late apprentice would want her to take the role, so here she was in this stiff ass chair, watching her eventual successor.

When he gathered his bearings, Naruto finally spoke again. ".....I decline". Tsunade sighed. She knew this was a possibility. "You can't. Once you're chosen, it's out of the question, hence why Im sitting here. It's not a choice, Naruto. It's obligation. Unless you have a suitable replacement for you....you're my successor!". "A replacement?.....I got a replacement! Shikamaru is perfect!". Tsunade actually thought about it for a bit in her head before ultimately shaking her head in a negative way. "Not that he isn't intelligent but his motivation for important subjects is......wonky at best. Sometimes he's dutiful, other times he'd rather just sleep it off, like a true Nara. He has his father's mind, that's for sure but being a Kage is more than just being smart. It's being strong as well, strong enough to protect the village. His physical capability nothing extraordinary. The council will disapprove of him, despite his vast intellect". "How about Neji Hyuga? His talent is through the roof. He's the best Hyuga in a long while".

Jiraiya shook his head. "While I don't think his....predicament as a branch member would hinder his chances, at least to my knowledge, the boy himself is bright but has no vision. He can't be influential to his people should he be chosen". Naruto scratched his head, shooting out a last ditch plan. "Rock Lee?". "You're fucking with us right?" Both Tsunade and Jiraiya said with a blank look on their faces. Tsunade sighed, her fingers intertwined with one another on the desk as she spoke. "Listen Naruto, during the Akatsuki attack we lost a lot of heavy hitters. The only solace in what's keeping the village going, both its citizens and its shinobi, is your generation and after yours. Within the new generation comes you, the strongest of them all! The village has chosen me to scoope the pieces of the Will of Fire and pass them on to you to reignite its ember! I can't do this without you Naruto!".

Naruto watched Tsunade as her eyes wavered for a second but the determination stayed there. That damned Will of Fire the Senju possessed. Naruto turned to his father's picture, and seeing it from this angle, it's almost as if he was looking down at him. 'Remember your promise'. Naruto sighed. 'Of course....I remember, but I didn't think you meant through these lens though, Minato'. He sighed, pushing out his worries as he pictured his father watching him. "When do I start?". Tsunade and Jiraiya smiled. "The day after Tomorrow, bright and early. The inauguration is tomorrow and there's things I need to set up for you, such as a desk".

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