12. The Training From The Unexpected Person

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Naruto sighed as he pushed in his apartment door and locked it. Kichiro had jumped from his Haori and walked around. He had just gotten back from the hospital that Anko made him go to and he felt right as rain. He also visited Yugito in the hospital and she was almost looking back to normal as her Tailed Beast was using her chakra to heal her at an impressive rate. She'd be released within the week and it made Naruto ease himself from worry. He felt that he went a little overboard with that fire jutsu but she was fine and he was glad.

He had just gotten home and began to relax. He knew from Anko that he had at least one month worth of training to do and he needed to prepare though, he had no idea who his opponent was and it was annoying as hell. He knew the Chunin Exams was still going on but Anko told him to go home and relax. He needed to after the injuries he was given and while Shizune, one of the top medics in the hospital, fix him at 100 percent, he needed to rest.

So he instead of arguing with her, he decided to follow her advice and stay home. Besides, if he disobeyed, he felt that she would be around the corner with snakes waiting to be given the order to continue with anal penetration. Naruto shuddered while he layed on the couch and Kichiro jumped on his stomach to lay there. Haku, who was in his room, came out and smiled at him. "Hello, Naruto-kun! How was the Exams?".

Naruto smiled at him. "Hey, Haku! It was cool I guess. I made it to the final rounds! Though I have no idea who I'm up against so I guess I'm just waiting for the word from someone!". Kichiro yipped in excitement as he jumped in front of the Ice user and pranced around him. "You should of seen us, Haku! We totally killed it! Yugito never stood a chance!". Haku giggled as she picked up the fox and petted him. "I bet, you guys were. I would've loved to see it. Maybe I'll come see you at the finals in the stadium. Everyone at work was talking about it the other day. They say so much talented Genin this year and they are curious who will be at the top at the end".

Naruto smirked. "Yeah well, this turned out more interesting than I originally thought. There are a few people I wish to fight in there". Haku put down the kit and moved to the kitchen to make some evening tea. "Oh really? Who might they be?". "Gaara of the Sand. He sparked my interest since I first saw him in our village. He holds Shukaku the Sand Spirit, the One Tails Kurama said. He as insane as he is sleep deprived. He is something I need to watch out for".

"Neji Hyuga is another one. He's a danger close type of person so Taijutsu is off limits the way I am. Ninjutsu is the way to go but even then, I need to be quick. His incredibly fast! He and that Rock Lee kid will give me some trouble they both manage to make it". Haku nodded his head in understanding. "So what kind of training will you?". Naruto shook his shoulders.

"That is something I don't know yet. I have to summon Takeo-sensei and Sayo-sensei on what to learn. Also, I remember Kurama saying he wanted to teach me something". 'Fuck! He remembered!' the fox thought lazily. He wanted to sleep but he had no choice since the blonde will pester him about it. Kichiro jumped on a arm chair and sat there. "Maybe we can Summon Kaa-sama? She can also help with our training!". Naruto shrugged his shoulders. She might be up to that, besides, it wouldn't hurt to ask and he missed her.

'Dito!' Kurama said, thinking of his mate. Kichiro spoke again. "You think That Menma made it to the finals?". Naruto chuckled. "If he did, it was by stupid luck really. But when he's in the finals, I have no doubt he'd be better given my father and God father are training him while my mother and God mother are overlooking my sister's training" he said in a bit of downcast. He knew he turned them down on training but he still found himself jealous. Why couldn't that have been him too?

Haku sighed as he came out and put a cup of tea out in front of the blonde. He sat on the couch in front of him with a small smile. "Listen Naruto, I know your history with the Uzumaki family is a bit much and you may never have a relationship with them but just know that you didn't lose". Naruto turned to him in confusion. "You may have less heads under your roof but you have a family none the less. You have Kichiro and the fox summons and now you have me. A weird bunch but it's still something. You're not alone, Naruto-kun!" he smiled innocently.

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