1. The Day It All Changed

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"Look Kaa-chan, Tou-chan! I did it!" A 11 year old girl said to her parents. She had red long hair but in a ponytail, fair skin and blue eyes. She contained two whiskers on each side of her cheek that established that she was a jinchuriki, a human sacrifice to a tailed beast. She had on a sleeveless kimono-style blouse that was red in colour and held closed with a green obi over a short-sleeved mesh shirt with a pair of dark blue shorts and brown shinobi sandals. She looked an awful lot lije Her mother. Her name was Naruko Uzumaki-Namikaze or just Uzumaki for short, the second eldest of the children.

"Not before I did! See guys, I'm a natural at this shit!" A boy said. He had black spikey hair with red tips. He also had two whisker marks on each side of his cheeks. He had on a light blue shirt with long blue sleeves that ar strapped down to be identical to his father. He had a tan brown jacket over it with a necklace that was designed like sticks lined up vertically on a string. He had on black shinobi pants with wrappings on his shins and blue shinobi sandals. He looked like a carbon clone of his father. His name was Menma Uzumaki-Namikaze, the youngest.

"Thats right! You did, way to go Naru-chan, Menma-kun!" Said the woman. She had a slender, but feminine build, fair skin, violet eyes, and the common Uzumaki red hair. It reached her ankles with shoulder-length strands that framed both sides of her face and a black clip that parts her hair to the left. Generally, she wore a high-collared, sleeveless blouse under a long, loose-fitting dress with a wristband on her left wrist and standard shinobi sandals. Her name is Kushina Uzumaki, clan head of the Uzumaki clan.

"Hehe! My children are strong! I can't believe you've progressed this far in training! I might even teach you Rasengan if you keep it up" A elder man said. He had long yellow spiky hair and blue eyes. He also had it in jaw-length bangs framing either side of his face. His normal attire consisted of a standard Konoha uniform with two bands on both of his sleeves, a green flak jacket, blue shinobi headband, and blue sandals. He wore a short-sleeved long white haori over his normal attire, closed in the front by a thin, orange rope. The haori was decorated by red flame-like motifs on the edges, with the kanji for "Fourth Hokage" written vertically down the back.

His name was Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage of Konoha. At the moment, the family was ttaining to together in the family's ridiculously large training field, unknowingly being watched by some one in the house. By one of the bedroom windows stood a boy with yellow-blond, spiky hair and blue eyes from his father, while inheriting the shape of his mother's eyes and face. He had, instead of two like his twin siblings, he had three whiskers on his face. He wore an easy reddish orangr t-shirt with black shorts and sandals. His name was Naruto Uzumaki, the eldest of the twins.

Naruto wasn't really thought of as a child of the two greatest shinobis in Konoha at the moment, in fact, he was rarely thought of in general.  For 6 years, Naruto was always alone, never really existing in the village while his parents, shinobi and civilians dotted over the other two siblings, claiming them as heroes, while he was a nobody. At first, he was indifferent to it. He had better things to do than be bothered by the village but sooner or later, he hated it, he hated them.

His parents started to ignore him, claiming that Naruko and Menma needed more attention due to them having Kyubi or to actually say his name, Kurama's chakra, while he just had the soul. He would get into that story of how that happened but it's basically the same in every other story: the triplets are born but a mask dude threatens the family and Konoha, Minato fights the mask dude, Kurama somehow appears and attacks the village, Minato and Kushina fight over the sanity of their children because in order to save Konoha, new jinchuriki must be made but Minato won that fight, he uses Reaper Death Seal on the infants, divides the chakra, splits it into Soul, yin and yang chakra and places it into his children. Menma gets Yang, Naruko gets Yin, Naruto gets shit.

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