33. The Wolf Vs The Fox

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With Naruto, he was running on the rooftops, noticing the how they're were more guards on the streets than normal. 'Naruto, I sense more negative intent. These guards. They all have just a negative feel about them. All of them, it's really bad'. Naruto frowned as he heard that. For Kichiro to say that now was concerning. Why didn't he feel this way earlier? Usually, Kichiro can feel the negativity right a way even if it's a back thought of a person. What happened?

Suddenly, in front of Naruto, was two guards. They were protecting the very building they were standing on but Kichiro felt their intent say otherwise. "Hey, you, boy! Why are you running!" A guard asked. 'Don't trust him Naruto, don't trust any one of these bastards! Get through them! By whatever means necessary!' Naruto smirked. The blonde didn't respond nor did he stop his running speed, charging right at them. He instead, jumped up and spread his legs to kick both men in their face simultaneously, pushing them both of the roof.

Naruto sighed. "I doubt that really hurt me more than it hurt you!" He shouted as he watched the two men fall. He turn his head and frowned. He then channeled sage chakra to his body to get a feel of the ominous chakra fall upon him like a wave of water in the ocean. It was so strong too. It was nearing Tailed Beast levels. But the feeling was being directed to the entire village but it was definitely coming from the entrance of the village. "So that's where it's at!".

Naruto began running along the edge of the building to get wherever that ominous feeling was but soon he heard a loud explosion. Naruto turned his head to see smoke coming from parts of the village like it was fireworks but just more deadly. "So much is going on! So much negative chakra. What the hell?!". The Blonde turned his head to see the Okamikage running down the street in total fear while blood was splattered all over him. Behind him was a man that Naruto didn't recognize but the chakra helped him greatly. 'Alpha?! He broke out of jail?! He must be the cause of all this! I knew we should've just killed his ass!'. 'YYYYYYYeeeeeeppp! Rookie move on your part, player'.

Naruto ignored his fox as he jumped down and got in between the two, just in time before Alpha sent a chakra disk at Okamikage's back to kill him. Naruto blocked the attack with his sword. "So, I guess you didn't like your treatment at the inn, I suppose?". Okamikage dropped on the ground as he turned to see Naruto standing in front of him. "N-Naruto-kun  you're here! Thank goodness! This.....this is Tenma! TENMA KODON!". Naruto frowned. "Tenma? The Tenma? Shouldn't you be dead from the Rõen attack?". Tenma laughed his head off as he just watched Naruto's confused and rather annoyed face.

"Well, it's amazing when you have a slippery snake up your sleeve". Naruto frowned at that statement, slowly piecing it together in his kind. 'Orochimaru.....'. "Orochimaru, the Snake Sannin? You work for him? You know how that's gonna go?! Bad, that's how! Orochimaru always betrays his 'potential partners'. Its the man's hobby at this point". Tenma frowned. "You just don't get it! Orochimaru-sama is just. You just say that because he hates you Konoha-nin". "No I'm saying that because hes a pedophile but you believe what you wanna believe". Tenma glared at Naruto. You.....you're a pestilence in my life! No matter, I shall cut you down right now!". Tenma charged at him with great speed, intending to take his head off.

Naruto blocked it with his sword before he was kicked back. His sword began glowing as he kept trying to slice Naruto to ribbons but Naruto dodged it but jumping to the right. 'This guy's nuts! He's coming at me way harder than he did before!'. 'Then do the same! Fuck his shit up!'. Naruto nodded his head as he sent chakra to his blade but Naruto didn't pay attention to him or just underestimate Tenma's speed. The man kicked Naruto down in the ground and had his foot on his chest to pin him down. Kichiro sighed in the seal. 'Naruto, I just want to say  you fucking suck ass!guess I'll be saving you now!'. Before Tenma swung the sword down on him, snakes wrapped around both of his arms and pulled him to a wall nearby.

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