29. Homecoming.....

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In the dawn of the next day, the village was beginning to waken up but was still dead for most of its inhabitants. At the front gate of the village, where the gate guards stood there, falling asleep on themselves, they weren't ready for the a loud poof of smoke in front of them. The guards jumped back since they were startled out of their sleep while the person in the smoke laughed. "Well, it's been a while. It's good to be home....".

The two guards at the gate, Izumo and Kotetsu both shot up and moved to charged at the blonde with Kunai blades. Naruto sighed. "Izumo, Kotetsu....you guys are still scaredy cats and your ninja, the best stealthy masters ever, crazy". That made the two Chunin guards stop in their tracks once they realized it was him. "N-N-Naruto?" Kotetsu said, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, along with Izumo. The two guards before Naruto came in where sleeping as they were on duty so to hear a loud poof like that, really just set them up, thinking it was an attack. "Oh man, we could've seriously hurt you, dude! Don't do that!" Izumo said as they began to sheath their weapons.

Naruto and Kichiro, who was right beside him with his nine Tails flowing rather profoundly, were amused. If Naruto can fight off five of the Kitsune's clans most powerful foxes and beat them quite, easily too, but can't stop two measly Chunin, Naruto was quitting as a Shinobi entirely. "Yeah..... My bad. Were you two just sleeping? On the job?". Both Izumo and Kotetsu stopped in their places. Both were sweating. "Please don't tell Hokage-sama. He'll put us on Akamichi bathroom duty for a month!" Kotetsu said with tears running down his eyes.

Kichiro flinched. Those big boys sure know how to put it away and bring it right out, if the washroom odor is something to go by. Kichiro almost felt sorry for them. He has a very strong nose so one sniff for him he would be deceased, out like a light. What the Uchiha and Uzumaki brats failed to do him, the Akamichi will finish what they started. Naruto sighed. "Well, maybe if you two actually did your job then I wouldn't have to. Imagine if I was an enemy or worse, my father?". Both Chunin looked ashamed.

"Yeah, you're right, we should be doing better but we were tired. We were just at the bar earlier yesterday too, right Kotetsu?". "Yeah, we were, though it was stupid, knowing we'd be doing this today. But hey, it was worth it, we saw a exotic ANBU dancer at the bar. Poor sap must've had wayyy to much to drink though, poor fool". Naruto slowly nodded trying to piece together what the fuck he just heard while Kichiro just asked what both were thinking. "What the fuck happened while we were gone?!". The Chunin guards just laughed at the memory of it while both boy and fox were just confused.

"Well, it was nice seeing you guys again, Ima head into the village, greet the Hokage and head home. Oh and guys?". Both guards looked at him. "Fall asleep on the job again and I catch you, I'll piss on both of you". "Both of you!" Kichiro repeated before the two just headed into the village, leaving traumatized gate guards. 'Why pee though?' the two thought. With Naruto, he and his fox were walking to the Hokage office in the waking streets of Konoha. Most of the villagers on the street at this time would be merchants readying their items and of course the Jonin higher up's seeing as though they basically run the village.

Some saw Naruto with remembrance and all waved at him and welcomed him back home with a smile while others just looked at him with shock, seeking another Minato. Though one thing was for certain, everyone was looking angered by what he had beside him. Naruto sighed, these people never learned to just let go of what happened 16 years ago. It was a terrible time in history, sure, but they're alive and still breathing but of course, people are stupid. 'Well, I guess I can't blame them too tough since they did lose some loved ones, but to hate someone for even having a similarity towards Kurama is stupid' he thought.

He looked down to his fox and sighed. "You know-". "Naruto, I know, I can hear your thoughts despite me not being inside of you, pause. I know what this means. I have to be in the seal once we're in public, right?". Naruto nodded. "I'm afraid so, Kichi. But trust me, Imma get these motherfuckers to acknowledge the fact that you're not your father and that you and I are cool. Just give me time". Kichiro sighed. "Fine, I'll get back in you when we leave the Hokage's office". "Ew, Kichiro, gay! I don't wanna have sex with you! You're a fox and a male one at that!".

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