50. The Ultimate Sharingan.....Nekomata!!!

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A Month later

A blonde was seen walking through town with a couple of clones carrying a couple of groceries to the destination the bags needed to be dropped off at. As he walked, his mind was racing with thoughts of his girlfriend and how distantbshe is now but for a completely different reason now. It had been a full month since the Uchiha slaughter. A month since the Sayori he knew died along with the rest of the clan.

His mind was still racing about that day. The day where he failed to save the clan. He was moping about it so much he didn't even realize he reached his destination and the woman who delivered them was standing outside with a small smile on her face. "Well Naruto-kun. Almost ran into my gate there....". Naruto shook his head when he reached his destination. "Oh, Mikoto-chan....my bad, I was just in a lot of thought. I brought you groceries!".

The woman smiled brightly. As she held her cane to stand properly. Since she had returned from the foxes care, she was undergoing rehabilitation right now. It was going well but what the Zetsu had struck was an important chakra point that was near the lung. Since that chakra point was destroyed, so was her career as a Kunoichi.  "My, Naruto. It seems you fully memorized my stock up day! Are you trying to suck up to me and get me in bed! You must've heard the position is vacant, huh?". Naruto winced at that. It wasn't too long ago where scounts had returned home with Fugaku's body. He remembered the face Sayori made when she saw it, all tattered and wasting away. She looked blank but her eyed lit a anger that he never seen a person have, not even Menma, his own jealous, hating ass brother.

Mikoto was given the affections of Fugaku and held them dear. Naruto knew that while she's just loosely flirting with him as a way to tease him, he knew that Mikoto was genuinely hurting that her husband and eldest son are dead. "Mikoto, I'm so-". Naruto was silenced with the end of a cane slaing down on his head. "Hush you! I told you how many times that it wasnt your fault. Especially since you and your little Foxy friend saved my life so that I can still be here for my little Sayori! God knows where she'd be if she lost me too!" The elder female cried a bit.

Naruto smiled as he patted his tummy, where metaphorically, is where Kichiro lies. When he and the fox were separated, he remained in the village since Naruto ditched him upon Yakumo chasing after him. During the chase Kichiro had felt powerful negative intent in the direction of 4ge Uchiha compound. He arrived to find the Uchiha attacking each other. He managed to slip past them to find the smell of blood, a blood scent he remembered. He followed it which led him to a dying Mikoto.

Kichiro couldn't take her to the village in hopes of the villagers spotting a fox taking a corpes around. In Naruto words, it's not keeping a low profile. Foxes in the village are starting to get a better rep but he rather not destroy by carrying a half dead woman around in his Nine Tails. So, Kichiro took her to the Fox Den. Though he ran into a bit of trouble.

Mini Flashback

With Kichiro

As Kichiro poofed into his home village, with a bloody and unconscious Mikoto in tow, the forest was ever so happy and bristling with Kitsune life. The little kits were running and playing with the other puppy wolves, reminding him of his time with Akane. 'Damn it, now's not the time for reminiscing! Mikoto is dying!'. "Help! Help, please, help!" The red fox shouted, boosting his voice so the village would hear him. The foxes and wolves heard him obviously but when they saw the sight, the foxes began to growl.

"Uchiha...." was what they were muttering. They all had a bloodthirsty look in their eyes, even the kits were pretty pissed looking. They circled around Kichiro, ready to pounce. The red fox sighed as he should've remembered. Uchihas are forbidden from stepping one foot into the realm of the foxes. Hell, most humans aside from their Summoners were forbidden and for him to bring an outsider, much less an UCHIHA here.....it was like he was asking for trouble. Mikoto began coughing up blood, making the fox panic.

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