32. Howling Village Under Attack

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With Anko and Sayori

The two were jumping through the forest, with the grey fox leading them to the base of the rouge shinobi. "Its just gonna be a few more few more kilometers out! Let's just keep this pace and we'll get there two days tops". Anko frowned as she ran and Sayori, who was beside her, saw the look and spoke on it. "What's wrong, Anko-sensei?". The team 12 leader looked back at where theh came from before facing forward again.

"I have a bad feeling about this. Maybe we should turn back". "Sensei, we are in the middle of finding out our enemy's location so we can end this mission for good and bring these asshats in for justice to the people of Rokoku. We can't turn back now" Sayori said confidently. "I hate to agree with an Uchiha because they all suck mega ass, and she sucks a huge crevice of one because she is affiliated with Naruto but she does have a point". 'Would Naruto-kun miss this one, it would be sad if Arashi-kun was had an accident and found a sword up his ass.....' Sayori thought as she glared hard at the fox, itching her hand for her katana ready to slice its head off while Anko sighed in agreement.

She realized that maybe she was overreacting and that everything was probably fine, though she couldn't shake the feeling in her gut. The kind of feeling that a raised and seasoned shinobi would get when something was definitely wrong. It's this type of feeling that kept them alive in this line of work. She shook it off for now, calming down since she did have another important task to do, like Sayori said. 'And besides, I left Naruto and Yakumo to handle things. What could go wrong?'. "Yep, you're right. Let's pick up the pace now!". "Right!" The two companions thought before they picked up the pace.

With Naruto

"There is very much wrong here!" He shouted as he was dodging a couple of blue pebbles of Blue Powder. It's been nonstop fighting for an hour since the attack on the village started. Naruto had created dozens of Clones to help take the citizens off the streets to take them to the hospital, where Yakumo would take lead of protecting them. It was chaos in the village. These guys just popped up out of nowhere, according to Kichiro's Negative Sensitivity and they completely bypassed Anko and Sayori leaving the village to infiltrate.

'There must be multiple entrances in and out of the village they must know about, like how Orochimaru knew how to get into Konoha that time during the Chunin Exams. It must've been like for the first attack in the village too' he thought. 'And these people don't think to cover up such entrances to the village. Clearly it wasn't working the first time right? So why keep it so unguarded?!'. 'Its because, they are just civilians, Kichi. They aren't like Shinobi. They say it puts us on an equal playing field but once they have the same resource, the civilians again, become weak. Ninjas will just storm right through the village they never had any hope without us'.

The rogue group continuingly shot Blue Powder pebbles at him. Naruto went through hand seals and set his hands to his enemies. "Water Style: Water Hand Waves!". His hands began to shoot out water streams. He countered the pebbles, redirecting  them back to the senders while also setting them off in their faces since water also does set off the bombs. He also used it to push back. He smirked before he tried a higher water just to really stun the rest of the incoming shinobi enemies. He created a clone and each started at different Justu. "Water Style: Ripping Torrent!". "Wind Style: Vacuum Sphere". When those two came together, they created a vortex of water, which sucked up all the rogues with all the powder they had, which created a huge explosion.

"Now that should be all of you....". He turned his head and had the misfortune to see even more Rogue nins coming towards him. Annoyed, Naruto unsheathed his sword. "Okay, now I'm catching bodies.....". When they came his way, Naruto began the massacre. Slicing and hacking, Naruto's blade didn't know no bounds. With its clean sharp edge, the blonde was able to fully slice some nins, horizontally, into two. Many of the rogues tried to ready their pebbles in time but Naruto was already on them with his sword. He even went as to decapitate a man, who had inhaled the powder in his mouth in shock before he died, and kicked the flying head into a group running at him before it exploded, killing them all.

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