54. A Prophecy is a Prophecy Part 3: Red Dawn

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Konoha Undergrounds

Sounds of flesh being cut open was what was radiating through the hallow tunnels of Konoha's Branch and most secret ANBU organization, ROOT. The number of ROOT nin that were being slain was immense as they were falling easily to the replica blade of the Snake Sword, which is wielded by one revenge driven Sasuke Uchiha. On the other side of the room, hiding and watching the Uchiha slaughter everyone in the room in shock, a bit of fear and also a bit of arousal was Karin. She watched with wide eyes as the Uchiha was mercilessly cutting down hos foes with ease, thanks to the predictive power of the Sharingan

'Sasuke-kun is really going to work. He wasn't messing around when he said he'll make everyone pay. His chakra.....it's so cold. Sasuke's never been like this before. It's.......soooooo hoooooot!' She thought as she watched him murder the drones of Danzo. Speaking of Danzo, he was watching from afar with the likes of Homura and Koharu, who where shitting bricks. The two elders haven't seen battle since they were in their young years of servicing Konoha as mere Jonin. It's been nearly 40 years since they've been in combat. They haven't been training like their deceased teammate, Hiruzen Sarutobi, their frail arms couldn't hold kunai like a proper shinobi. Needless to say, they're rusty as fuck.

Danzo however, was more than ready. He flexed his chakra as he felt his right eye and right arm pulse. 'Orochimaru....the notes you left behind on body amplifying came in quite handy. Desecrating the graves of Hashirama-sensei and Shisui Uchiha without the Hokage knowledge wasn't easy but once I acquired them, everything else was easy. Now, Sasuke Uchiha.....it's time I taught you how to really fight with your eyes....'. Danzo thought before he turned to the other two elders who were pale at the sight of the young Uchiha destroying the ANBU with ease.

"What will we do? Soon, no one will be left to defend us from him!" Homura said in a slightly panicked manner. "We should leave! We stand no chance with that lunatic! Danzo-san, you know these tunnels. Which way is the nearest exit?!" Koharu asked. Danzo glanced at the two in a blank look. 'Pathetic.....these two were the students of great Hashirama and Tobirama Senju....if this is how they are, they're of no use to me when I climb to the top and reach my title as Hokage' . "The only exit is past the Uchiha but worry not, I'll distract him. I'll buy you time to escape. You two are the advisors of Konoha. They'll need you more".

Koharu and Homura were shocked that Danzo was sacrificing himself for their getaway. During their early Genin days and throughout their entire lives as shinobi in this village, they thought Danzo only thought for himself and only himself. Had they been wrong about him the entire time? "Danzo.....no, we can't leave you-". "You won't! I'll live on through the will of fire that Hiruzen has passed down before me, as now I am imparting to you both to watch out for the next generation!".

Homura and Koharu were in awe and slight tears. "W-We will!". Danzo softly smiled as he pointed to the direction They'll be running. "On my mark, you run left while I will go right and catch Sasuke's attention. Go!". Homura and Koharu wasted no time to run out, right in Sasuke's line of vision as he saw the two. Sasuke barely hesitated to throw giant shuriken from his wrists seals that store Kunai and Shuriken. When he threw it at their unexpected bodies, it cut cleaved them in two with little problem, fatally wounding the two Konoha advisors.

Danzo watched in slight amusement as the elders' eyes dim from death, as shock was etched onto their faces. Sasuke stood there with no remorse, only anger and hatred spread through his eyes as he saw the dead bodies that he was responsible for. Karin, came out from her spot, seemingly to congratulate and heal him from any sort of injuries until he spoke, seemingly to no one. "So you're all thats left.....". It was then that Karin sensed another source of chakra and it was powerful, more powerful than Sasuke's.

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