39. The Idea

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"Huh?" Both Naruto and Sayori said as they stared at their Hokage in shock and confusion. Minato sighed. This was going exactly as he thought it would. He just didn't expect Sayori to be the exact same. It just showed how much Sasuke really hurt and betrayed her that very day. "I said, the mission is to infiltrate Orochimaru's base and capture Menma and Sasuke" he repeated. Naruto and Sayori frowned, though didn't say a word. However, Kakashi, Anko, Naruko and Sakura were in shock.

"What?! You just wanna barge right into the Snake Pedophile's base an take those two back? Just like that?!" Anko said in shock. "How'd you even find his base anyway?". The adults turn to Yakumo who sighed. "It was me". Naruto, Sayori and Anko turn to her in shock. "Huh? Yakumo? How did you-". "Its was during my fight with Sasori". "Your fight? You fought an Akatsuki?!" Anko said in shock. She just gets back and she hears her team has had an encounter with the powerful rouge nins.

"Yeah, our team had went on a mission to track down the Kazekage because he was kidnapped by the Akatsuki so we had to get him back, and we did, barely" Naruto said. Anko nodded her head before she glanced back at Yakumo. "So what happened? How'd you get this information?" The sensei of Team 12 asked. Yakumo sighed before she began. "So it went like this.....".


Yakumo and Lady Chiyo were still hiding behind the rocks as Sasori kept up his attacks with the his fire. They had just learned that Sasori has made himself into a puppet of destruction. When he was attacking them with fire, his joints were twisting around, almost like they weren't even attached to the body. "Come on out, Yakumo, Granny Chiyo, you're death's will be quick.....somewhat". He shot more fire at the rocks but turned up the intensity of the fire, so much so that the rock began to turn black.

"But what I'm really interested in is you, Yakumo. That Genjutsu of yours will definitely replace the Third Kazekage for me. You'll become my new favorite puppet. COME OUT ALREADY!". Yakumo and Lady Chiyo stayed behind those rocks, not listening to a word he was saying. Sasori smiled softly. "Well, if you're not gonna come out, I guess I can just force you to". Sasori stopped shooting out his fire stream. He then switched elements, going to his water stream, which was even more deadly.

Why? Because as soon as he turned it on and aimed for the rocks the kunoichi were hiding behind, the rock split in two by how dense and sharp the water stream was. Luckily, Lady Chiyo pushed Yakumo away just in time before the water cut her in half as well, so the two were separated now thanks to that attack. Sasori looked between the two, rather conflicted. He made up his mind and went after his grandmother. Yakumo moved into action. "Striking Shadow Snakes!". She grabbed onto Sasori legs before he got close to Lady Chiyo. The redhead looked back at her as she began pulling him towards her with amazing strength.

Sasori looked at her with little care and sent his coiled rope to stab Yakumo in the head but the girl caught just mere seconds away from her face, though, it did cut her hand and  the poison from the rope seeped into her wound and into her body. 'Gotcha....' Sasori thought as Yakumo began to feel incredibly weak and her insides were on fire. "You fool. You didn't think that Hiruko was the only one with poison attacks?" He said with a laugh but what made him stop laughing was when he felt the rope yank him towards Yakumo and felt his body break I to pieces from her powerful punch.

"You fool. You didn't think that I wouldn't come to this battle unprepared?" She mocked him. Sasori's body parts went flying all over the place before his only living part of him was tossed out into the yard. Lady Chiyo turned to Yakumo with shock. Before she could even ask, Yakumo answered. "The antidote I made for Kankuro, remember? I had some spares left. I only have one file left since I used the other one. On good for three minutes but after that......".

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