53. A Prophecy a Prophecy Part 2: What Does The Fox Say......In Death?

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It was a blinding white light. He didn't really see it coming. He was too busy setting up meetings with the council about trivial things. Basic village finances, Shinobi and Civilian businesses, Messages from the Fire Lord, etc. Minato was busy so it was quite a shock when he didn't sense the man hovering over his village, preparing to deal the greatest damage he has ever seen since the Kyubi attack.

He felt the chakra spike, mind you. It was a sudden, but powerful build up of chakra, like a Tailed Beast Bomb. He looked to see who did it but didn't see much, just a figure. The man was a blur but the black cloak with red clouds on it wasn't, though. Frankly, that was all Minato saw before the building exploded. Though he did hear the man shout. "All MIGHTY PUSH!".

That's all he remembered before he was slapped awake. "Minato! Minato! WAKE UP!". the Fourth Hokage opened his eyes to see Jiraiya cradling his body on the big man's arms. "H-Huh?" Minato thought as he finally regained consciousness. Soon, his ANBU personnel huddled around him. "Hokage-sama, you're awake! Thank goodness!". Minato sat up while Jiraiya supported him. "Take it easy. You were under quite a few pillars. How are you feeling?" The Toad Sage asked.

"I have a raging headache but I'll live. What happened? What's going on? Report!". Jiraiya and the ANBU stayed silent as Minato eyed them. "I know I just asked a question. My headache isn't making me delusional, is it?" Jiraiya sighed. "You should see it for yourself". Jiraiya sat up while helping Minato stand up as well. He led Minato through the pathway of the debris of the destroyed Hokage building but when they passed it to get a look at Konoha, Minato gasped.

Minato knew the Hokage office building was destroyed. It was obvious when he saw the debris he just passed but he thought that only that and it was some assassination attempt. That was before he saw the village, or what used to be a village. "I-I-It's gone...K-Konoha...." Minato said as he saw the village he loved and strived to protect was completely decimated. Minato fell to his knees as he stared dumbfounded at what he was seeing. It wasn't like it was when it was the Orochimaru attack back at the Chunin Exams. Few buildings were destroyed then but the village foundation and buildings were still somewhat intact.

This.....this was an attack that cleanly wiped Konoha off the map. There is no village, not towers, trees, buildings, streets etc. This is just a huge crater. "W-W-W-What...happened?" He said, his voice was so low but it shaking like blades of grass in the wind. Jiraiya frowned. "I don't know. I just got into the village not too long ago myself. I was in my apartment when the blast hit. I raced here to find you. I haven't seen anyone else". Minato didn't say much else as he was still in shock of the destruction of the village.

Jiraiya turned to the ANBU. "You should form a units to count the casualties. Any shinobi able to stand and hold a Kunai should be on ultra high alert. Surviving Genin should evacuate surviving Civilians to the safe houses in the bunkers. Surviving Chunin and Jonin prepare for battle. MINATO!" Minato shook his head, snapping out of it. "I...I need to find my family! Kushina, Naruko, Naruto, Natsumi! I NEED TO FIND-". Jiraiya grabbed him tightly by his shoulders. "Pull yourself together! You are the HOKAGE OF KONOHA! You have a duty to your people above all else. You need to focus on that right now. I'm sorry but you know I'm right!". Minato glared at him.

"I...I can't just-". "You must! You need to be a pillar of strength for your village! Besides, I'm sure they're alright. They're Uzumaki! They endure no matter what!". Minato frowned but he knew Jiraiya was right. As much as he hated it and as much as he wanted to fight the man for even saying it, he knew that the job of Hokage meant that he must put himself second and the village and its wellbeing first. Minato sighed as he took a deep breathe. "Right.....okay. ANBU! you were given an order. I want a personal unit to find and ensure my families safety.....". "Sir!" They say before they disappear.

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