36. The Akatsuki's Good Boy's Secret Technique

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With Naruto

The blonde was currently located in the hospital wing of Suna, almost dying from a severe heat stroke. He never expected the heat of the nation to weigh him down like it was now but with a little trick he learned from Temari, he learned to survive a little better. It was a chakra control exercise with the Wind element, which he was thankful for his companion for. With this technique, its sends a cool layer of wind chakra to his body, keeping him quite cool when it was smoldering outside.

'Yeah, I mean its almost as hot as the bars on my upcoming mixtape!'. 'You.....have a mixtape?' Naruto said incredulously. 'In he process, yes, coming soon 2066. You're gonna help me sell it, right? Right, Naruto?'. Naruto stayed silent so the silence can do the talking for him. Though thinking back to the cooling chakra thing, he was thinking along the same thing for winter but with fire chakra. 'No, that would be stupid. The fire would burn right through the clothing. But if I were able to use seals in my clothing.......Hmmm, I may be onto something' he thought before grabbing a notebook out of his pocket and wrote it down some ideas to brainstorm about the potential idea of heat/cooling seals for clothing. Shinobi are born to endure anything, that includes the weather, correct but to make life a little easier is always welcomed.

Right now, as Naruto was jotting down ideas, he along with Sayori, Kakashi and Temari were outside in the waiting area of the ER of Kankuro's room with Yakumo and a couple of Suna medic nins helping take the poison out from Kankuro's body. When they got here, Baki explained that while Gaara was kidnapped, The Puppet user tracked the Akatsuki members responsible and fought one of them, who turned out to be Sasori of the Red Sand. The man is as lethal with puppets as he is with poison, which is what The trained medic of Konoha was trying to get out of him currently while Kankuro fought hard to stay alive for the procedure.

He didn't know how Yakumo was doing it but he didn't hear the heart rate monitor die so it means she was making good progress in the room. Inwardly, while he did somewhat worry for Kankuro's recovery, he viewed the paint wearing man a fool for rushing to find unknown enemies by himself but when you're loved one is in danger, you tend to do stupid things to protect or avenge them no matter the cost. 'Kichiro is living proof of that statement....'. 'You are too, Naruto......no homo though'. 'Definitely, no homo'. Naruto went back to writing ideas as Kichiro watched from the seal. Sayori looked beside her to see what he was writing and smirked. Naruto was always improving somehow in anyway shape or form.

"Naruto, what are you doing?" Kakashi asked. Sayori sighed. 'Oh no....'. "I'm rubbing one out, Hatake, what does it look like I'm doing?!". Temari turned to Sayori in confusion of Naruto's sudden rudeness towards the Jonin. The Uchiha frowned. "Its personal, family business....". The one eyed man sighed, looking back at Naruto, who wasn't even looking at him. "Naruto, can we talk?". "We're humans, Hatake. We make words by opening our mouths and make sounds. When that happenes, it usually presented as 'talking', which I'm doing right now. So to answer your question.....yes, we can talk. There, interesting question, Hatake" the blonde said sarcastically.

The rude but clever comeback annoyed the Jonin a bit. "You know exactly what I'm talking about, Naruto. Don't play dumb.....". The blonde looked up at the silver haired man with his ice blue eyes that just looked ready for murder. The Copycat nin gulped at the fierce look, reminding him of his sensei back in his early Genin days but he still stood strong to say what he had to say. "N-Naruto....look, I know what I did, okay. How I treated you-". "Lemme stop you right there, Kakashi" Naruto said, having stopped the man before he began his 'apology'. "You say the word 'treated'....hm? That's odd, though". Naruto said which threw the man through a loop. "Huh?".

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