43.5 Cut the Snake Head and A Fox Shall Take It's Place

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With Hidan

"Dammit that REALLY HURT!" Hidan said as he finally stopped crashing into trees before he got up from the attack. He couldn't lie that the he doubt he could really kill that Jinchuriki, at least not by himself. He needed to coordinate with Kakazu to take that bastard down. "Ima tell you something though. When I get my hands on that brat, he's dead meat! I'm gonna fucking murder that kid!". "Sorry, but I don't think you're going anywhere....". Hidan turned to see the Shadow user along with the blonde girl and fatso.

"You brats again. You feel like you have some sort of obligation to kill me? For what? For that bearded guy I killed I'm guessing? So what, he was your teacher or something?! That lame ass guy?! Ha! No wonder you're all so pathetic!". Shikamaru and Ino stayed calm as he lodged insults but Choji on the other hand grew so pissed, his face was turning red. "Don't insult Asuma-sensei!". Seeing that his insults were finally landing on someone, Hidan starts attacking Choji now with a grin. "Hehe, so, you had some student teacher bonding Huh? Well, with that loser, that's all hes good for huh? Since you brought that powerhouse to come babysit you lot, seems the guy was too busy doodling and drooling like an idiot!".

Choji grew redder by the second. "You piece of-". "Choji, cool it" Shikamaru said, pushing Choji to get his attention but the Akimichi was too long gone to take in what his friend was saying. "What are you gonna do about it, fatass?!" Hidan taunted again, getting the Akimichi to charge at him with his fists cocked up to punch Hidan. The Akatsuki was ready with his scythe in hand ready to slice through the kid but something weird happened. Red bubbly chakra appeared out of Choji's body and easy defended him from harm.

A tail formed and blocked the scythe from connecting to Choji. Ino and Shikamaru were shocked as well before they burst into red chakra as well with a chakra tail. "T-This feeling....." Ino said as she flexed her muscles. She felt more powerful than ever. Just what was this? 'Wait.....this chakra....it feels like....like Naruto's! This is his Nine Tails chakra but it has a hint of Naruto's in here!'. So Naruto can not only utilize the full power of Nine Tails but he can even distribute this power as well. Shikamaru looked over to see Choji back away from Hidan, who was eyeing them in disbelief.

He seen this chakra before, of course, he fought the Two Tails and this chakra was pretty distinguishable. It was Tailed Beast Chakra but how though, he was trying to figure out. By his calculations, only that Naruto prick was a Jinchuriki and these are all normal baby brats. So how did they have Tailed Beast Chakra? Shikamaru also wondered the same thing, though he knew it was Naruto who gave them this chakra but he tried to figure out when but it hit him easily. 'When he pushed us out the way with his chakra arms. He must've transmitted it then. Naruto, you sneaky bastard. Always helping out, even when we don't ask you to!'.

Shikamaru sighed as he glared at Choji. "Listen, Choji! You need to calm down! You were lucky this one time but you won't be next time. Relax!". "Sorry" he said with a sheepish laugh. Hidan growled as he saw these three brats get a power boost outta nowhere but he didn't care, he wanted them dead and there was no Kakazu to tell him what to do. "I don't know what the hell is going on and I don't particularly care! What I do know is that you're all fucked! STARTING WITH YOU!" Hidan said as he rushed to Ino, who was shocked. Her legs went stiff in fear as she watched the Akatsuki nin rush at her with full intent on killing her. "G-Get away f-from me!".

"Ino, lookout!" Choji shouted as he rushed to save her but Shikamaru was quick with his Shadow Posession Jutsu. He captured Ino with his jutsu and had her block the scythe with a Kunai while Choji came with a big fist. "Take this!" Choji swung while Shikamaru had Ino jump away. Hidan moved quickly to avoid the powerful punch. Hidan smirked while he moved for the counter blow. "Got you now, kid! You're dead!" Hidan moved his scythe to cleave the Akimichi but Shikamaru threw a paper bomb tied to Kunai again. Hidan blocked them instead of attacking, giving Choji the window to escape immediately, moving in a slight blur to the Immortal. As he endured the explosions as he analyzed his opponents.

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