46. Operation Uchiha Rebellion 2.0

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Another beautiful day in Konoha as the sun shined down on Konoha as the village was wide awake for work. In Naruto's apartment, the blone was still sleeping along with his Uchiha girlfriend in bed. After their little date the other date, it was getting late so Sayori spent the night at his place. Naruto had woken up first, seeing The sun in his eyes. He looked down to then see Sayori resting on his chest with a small smile. He moved slightly to get up but Sayori kept him down, snuggling up to him. "Mmmm......stop". "I would like to pee...".

"Mmm....hold it" She mumbled as she pulled him closer. He groaned. Naruto glared at her. "Hmmmm....well okay, if I pee on you just know it's not my fault". Immediately, Sayori pushed him off the bed with such strength that surprised even him. "T-That's what I thought" he said, rubbing his tail bone as he fell on it. He walked out the bedroom and made it to the bathroom and did his morning business. When he got out, Haku was seen at his bedroom door about to knock on it. When seeing his roommate, he smiled. "Oh, good morning Naruto-kun!". Mornin, Haku! Say, is that bacon I smell?". "Yep, Yaku-chan is making breakfast! I was tasked in going to get you but seeing as you're already up-". "No hold on a sec" Naruto said as he moved in front of his door, Haku moving behind him.

Naruto banged on the door with his fist. "Hey! Sugartits! Wake up!". Naruto chuckled and Haku sighed. Only Naruto desired to provoke that girl. Naruto smiled at the door until his trained ears heard the sound of sharp metal scraping against something, almost like a...
"DUCK!" Naruto and Haku hit the floor and seconds after, a chakra infused sword pierced through the door and embedded itself in the wall, nearly going through that wall as well. Naruto and Haku get up from the floor and view the damage, once they saw it, the former went off first.

"ARE YOU INSANE?!". Sayori opened the door with a groggy expression on her face but she worked a glare in there. "Don't call me 'Sugartits' again" She stated before going in the bathroom to freshen up, leaving a miffed Naruto and a traumatized Haku. "Naruto-kun these games you play aren't safe for the general public anymore. You're going to get everyone killed". "Well, Haku, what's a better way to die than by dragging everyone else down with you?" Naruto said, walking away, leaving a further traumatized Haku. "No.....no!".

The roommates made their way to the dining room with Kichiro just rolling around on the ground, enjoying the carpet. When passing him, he rubbed his tummy, getting an appreciative pur. "Morning, buddy". "Morning, Naruto" was the fox's response. "Morning to you too, Yakumo!". The girl in the kitchen tilted her head out and waved. "Morning Naruto-kun! Breakfast is almost up". "Cool! Thanks, Yakumo" Naruto said. Sayori walked in next and said her good mornings to the group but when her eyes landed on Naruto, she glared at him.

'Yep, she's still mad'. Kichiro turned to her then back at him with confusion but before he voiced it, Naruto stopped him. "She's not a morning person". Kichiro nodded his head in understanding. As she sat down at the table, Yakumo had just finished and placed down everyone's breakfast, even Kichiro got a morning steak. "Oh, Yakumo, you spoil me so. Haku, watch out, with my looks, I can steal her from you rather easily". Haku frowned and began reaching for his needles that he so happens to keep on him at all times but Yakumo stopped him. "Stop it, I'm not going to leave you for a fox, Haku-kun. Besides, Kichiro-kun was just joking, right?".

The fox laughed from his placing on the floor. "Hahaha, of course I was. I already have Akane-chan! Why would I need another girl, you idiot!". Yakumo slightly pushed her boyfriend's arm before going to place down Naruto and Sayori's breakfast down on the table. Haku was laughing at his own foolishness but Kichiro cleared his throat and glared at him, his eyes, glowing red. "I'm not kidding, she's gonna be mine at the end of this week. Count your days, you cross-dresser!" It whispered so only Haku can hear, since he was the closest to the fox. Haku grew paler than he already was since now that Kichiro established his goal, how can he compete.

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