11. Uchiha Fails And The Fox Summoner Prevails!

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It was the fourth match of the day and it was two people were had a place in the Kitsune's life. Sayori Uchiha, formerly one of his bullies and now trusted comrade and teammate against Naruko Uzumaki, former sister (although she still claims the title) and now fellow Genin. Naruto looked at Sayori who was just stretching her body and looking rather calm. "Think you'll be able to take her down?" Naruto said with a smirk. He already knew who was rooting for.

Sayori smirked as she turned her head to see the angry Uzumaki girl glare at her. "Oh yeah, she's not of any concern to me. Just you watch!". Yakumo and Kichiro shouted. "You better win!". Anko laughed. "Well, she is strong and comes from the Uzumaki family. She does pose a great enough threat as Kushina-sama and Hokage-sama have been training her". Naruto grunted as he hated to believe it but his sensei was right.

Unlike Menma, Naruko was at least had some skill from what she learned from their parents, the fight at wave proved to be true. But she still wasn't a total threat to him. Sayori on the other hand, he wasn't sure how well her skill will take her. Naruto turned to Sayori and stated at her. "Don't lose". She continued to glare at Naruko but she spoke. "Got it". "Because later on, I wanna fight you too, Sayori". The girl broke her concentration on Naruko and turned to him with shock written on her face.

They stared at each other and none of them spoke a word for a while. It wasn't as if it was a surprise that besides the weird feelings each had for another, their was a sense of rivalry between them, it was just that no one outright admitted it untill Naruto himself said it just now. To others around them, it may just seem like it's a petty little fued that was going on. These two were notorious back in the academy for not liking one another.

To them though, it was more. It was saying 'I acknowledge your strength. You're my equal' kind of thing and it inspired Sayori because she knew that he felt the same as her. She stopped standing there so stiffly and spoke with a genuine smile. "Got it". Naruto smiled too as she walked off, nodding to the rest of her team. Kichiro jumped on his masters head and spoke. "You think she can win, Naruto-kun?". He shrugged his shoulders. "Beats me. Sayori is strong, no doubt about it. We've trained together so her Taijutsu is something to fear for an average Genin and her Jutsu isn't bad either. She's deadly in shurikenjutsu too so she could pull through but Naruko is, for the better part, an enigma to me".

Yakumo tuned in to the conversation. "How so? I mean not to offend you, Naruto but she's your sister. I mean you told us how you never trained with them but surely you know what she specializes in?". Naruto shook his head. "No. I don't, unfortunately. I usually skipped out on watching the family trained when I was with them and Naruko only used Taijutsu around when I was watching" he lied. He knew she could actively call upon Kurama's chakra at will or upon rage but he didn't need for Sayori or Yakumo to trip balls over it.

Sayori still has a chance but if Naruko pulls out her tailed beast chakra, it will be extremely difficult for the Uchiha to win. Naruko moved to the stairs, passing by team 12. She smiled at Naruto. "Aren't you gonna wish me luck, Nii-san?". Kichiro stick his tongue out at her. "Yeah right, loser. Just get down their so Sayori-Chan can beat your ass already! I wanna go home" the small fox said with no hesitation.

Naruko grew a tick mark on her forehead but ignored him for her brother. "Stop calling me that, I'm not your brother so give it a rest. And I shouldn't need to wish you luck. Your training from you mother and father should've prepared you for this moment so let's see if it will come into fruition, Hokage's daughter!" he mockingly said. Naruko frowned. "They're your parents too, Naru-nii". "Just get down there and fight, you're pissing me off". The younger sister moved dejectedly as the other Genin and Jonin, minus Yakumo and Anko glared at Naruto.

"Hey asshole! Why do you have to be such a prick! She was just asking you for good luck?!" Ino yelled. "Yeah, idiot! You don't have to be so mean!" Kiba shouted. Menma charged at him and pinned him to the wall as he noticed Naruko wipe her eyes as she walked down the steps. "After the match is over, you will apologize to her you no good loser. I DON'T KNOW WHY SHE CARES FOR GARBAGE LIKE YOU BUT SHE DIDN'T DESERVE THAT!". Anko grabbed Menma off of Naruto, who remained silent. "Hey, hands to yourself, Gaki. Or should you be disqualified?" she said. "Like you're one to talk about garbage?! Why the hell would I acknowledge her when she never acknowledged me?! She, like you and your Uzumaki family have left me to my own time and time again! Where was my good luck when I was starting to train?! Where was my good luck when I was starting out at the academy?! All I ever got was 'Go away's and 'Not now's!" Naruto shouted in his face before going quiet.

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