4. First Step As A Ninja: Confrontation

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"This had to be my life today...." Naruto mumbled as he sat in the seat further from the group as possible. There was six of them in the room as every team had left with their sensei so it was just two teams left: Anko's and Kakashi's. Naruto remembered the look his 'mother' gave him when she came for her team, it was look of longing and heartbreak which he didn't give a rat's ass to be quite honest. So it was just team 7 and team 12 waiting for their sensei.

Sasuke was too busy playing with his kunai and imagining slicing through a certain blonde's neck. Sakura was just eyeing the male Uchiha like a slice of meat and Sai was just being the creep he was, all silent but observing, kinda like him in a way butthe look in his eyes says he's not just observing, he's analyzing. His eyes would dart at him but then go to Sasuke. He didn't know what the weirdo was up to but he'll be ready to avoid whatever Sai has in store for him.

Sayori was just glaring at the chalkboard of the room, but sometimes sneaking glances at Naruto but then would scowl at him before glare at the board again. Then there was Yakumo. Yakumo possesses long brown hair and light brown eyes. Her hair is straight on one side, but on the other side it is in a braid. In addition, she sports a clip with two circular designs. Her outfit was consisted of kimono-like shirts that had long right sleeves and short left sleeves that were held close by a wide pink sash with red mesh armour underneath it all with a light-blue skirt and a brown headband.

She was a nice girl, albeit she never really talked to anyone and minded her own business, when she did talk however, she wasn't mean to anyone, not even to him, which would probably get you brownie points in the village but she chose not to which earned his respect. She was an outsider really, never really had much friends so she was never biased. It was very rare to find people like her in this damn school and inwardly, he felt lucky to have her on his team.

Sayori on the other hand is a bitch so he couldn't give a damn about her. "Hey, dumb ass, how long are you just gonna keep staring at nothing?" Sayori started. Naruto, who was petting a sleeping Kichiro, glared back. "If you haven't realized, moron, where is our teacher? What? You want me to teach?". Before that became a fight however, A woman with purple spikey hair came in. "Well, this is the Genin I have to teach, well, you all look like you have promise but then again, the eye can be deceiving. At training ground 12, maggots! You have 10 minutes! If you're even a second late, I'll.... Well, it's surprise".

With that, Anko disappeared in plain view of the Genin, leaving them speechless. Naruto, with a now awakened Kichiro, walked out first with Yakumo loosely following. Sayori moved to leave too but Sasuke spoke out which made her clench her teeth. "Try not to shame the Uchiha name, Sayori. You know, the clan doesn't allow weaklings". Sayori glared back. "You should worry about yourself, baka. Last I checked, despite you doing better all around the year, it was I, who bested you during the graduation exam. It's a shame that my growth surpassed you at the last minute but hey, better late than never" she said walking out, ignoring Sakura's howls to shut up and Sasuke's growls.

But what Sasuke didn't know was that the very thing that made an Uchiha an Uchiha is what Sayori already developed. Yes, Sayori already had the Sharingan. "Show's you idiot! Wait till we're both older. I'll crush you and gain status as Clan Head...." she said with her Sharingan activated in anger. A few minutes of running, she caught up to the two teammates and they all ran to the training ground in record time, not really interested in understanding what their sensei meant by the 'Surprise'.

Once they came to the training ground, Anko sat their eating a plate of sweat dango, chewing with a smile. She saw her students and smiled. "9 minutes, you gakis were cutting it close! We'll have to work on your speed. Well, normally I would give you all a test as that's the rules but.... Fuck the rules, I don't care. I'll just give you all an individual one on one and we'll evaluate your capabilities. But first, introductions!". The Genin smiled, they already liked their sensei. Sure, she was a bit much in terms of energy but and there was something about that smile that they didn't like but she was legit.

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