30. Team 12 Return! First Mission!

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It had been a following two weeks since Naruto had returned from his wonderful training trip with the foxes and things have been slow going. Since he returned, he and his team had just been doing some team exercises and training to pass the time. Anko kept requesting missions but the Hokage said that they didn't have anything above C-RANK and Anko didn't want a C-RANK for her and her new powerful team. It would be too easy and Naruto and Sayori agreed with her.

They were well above some meek C-RANK mission, since each one of them can do the mission solo, especially Naruto. Truthfully, Naruto an handle any mission alone now but he didn't want to lie, he wanted to go on a mission with his old team and he doubted he had to use all of his strength to watch over himself and everyone cause the girls are capable now but that's the thing that sucks ass. They were all too good that just any mission isn't good enough.

They needed something that would challenge them. Minato told them that they couldn't expect to take a heavy mission on their first mission back into the fold but they were not about to take a D-RANK mission where they're painting fences or a C-RANK where they're just delivering a scroll, she wanted something badass. Minato had to sigh and he agree, saying that he'd call her team if they get a high ranking mission. He just didn't want her to go and trash his office looking for one, Naruto saw it on his face. While he was Hokage, their were some of his Shinobi who weren't mentally and morally right, and Anko was one of them.

Normally, that would mean they need to boot Anko from the program but Anko is a dangerous individual, with or without her Shinobi license and a person he didn't want on his enemy list. She's just as unpredictable as he was, and even he wasn't as sadistic as she was so that just proved how dangerous she was when provoked. So they waited for two weeks for a good mission and decided to train together instead to get their team bondage back, which lead to today, where Naruto was in his bed, sleeping with Kichiro on top of his belly curled up as the two slept.

Kichiro would jump out the seal whenever he and Naruto are in their own space or a private space with other who knew of the fox's 'New appearance'. Back then, Kichiro could roam the village with little precaution cause even though he was a fox, he was just an ordinary fox to others with a birth defect of an extra tail so he'd just get a stink eye but nothing more than that. Now that he has 7 extra tails, it'll be a little harder to explain that he's not Kyubi reincarnated. So now, he's gotta stay outta sight in public.

But when he's alone with Naruto, he can pop out whenever he pleases to get the fresh air he deserves. So the two were sleeping in the bed, not paying the outside world any attention and because of that, they didn't notice the person sneaking in his room. Kichiro though, since his strong nose picked up a new scent in the room, he opened one tired eye. The person who was sneaking in raised her finger to her mouth to shush the fox. As soon as she got close to Naruto's sleeping form, she hovered over him. "Heya, Naruto-kun!". "OH BROWNIES!". As he jumped up in fear, his face smashed into his intruder, their lips smashing together. Naruto looked at his intruder to see it wss his Uchiha mate.

Kichiro saw her untie her katana and jump on to Naruto's lap. "Ugh! Gross, I'm going to Haku's room. Sick freaks! I'm right here, too!". As the fox jumped off the bed and left, leaving Naruto and Sayori making out. She rubbed his bare chest since Naruto slept without a shirt and just shorts. Naruto just grabbed her waist as he slowly moved downwards as he heard Sayori's moans.

Sayori flowed her hands through his golden locks, her getting even more turned on the second. Naruto just gripped her tighter, pulling her even closer to him to the point where their bodies are touching and grinding on one another. "WHOA!!!!!" Haku yelled as he walked out in the hall though he saw through Naruto's room as his door was open. The Kitsune and Uchiha stopped their makeout session in surprise. Haku came out while Kichiro walked out. "I know! Sick! I would never do something like that!" Kichiro said as he walked to the kitchen. Both Naruto and Sayori blushed heavily. "Damn it!, Haku! You fucking pervert, don't look! I bet you have a hard on right now, you idiot!" Naruto shouted at him.

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