37.5 Mangekyou Specialty: Kamui!!!

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With Yakumo

"Yakumo, quick! Dodge!". The Kurama girl was swift in her movements, not allowing Sasori's puppet, which so happened to be the Third Kazekage, get the drop on her. After Yakumo had broken his Hiruko puppet, Sasori had reemerged and popped out the Kazekage as his puppet and Yakumo and Lady Chiyo were doing their best in avoiding his little traps from the puppet. "Not so fast!" Sasori said as he made the Kazekage attack Yakumo. "Oh no!" The girl shouted as she moved to pull up her Kunai to defend but Lady chiyo did her one better as she used the tail from Hiruko to protect her.

Yakumo jumped back after that to see the tail had been utterly destroyed. 'That would've sliced me up like bread if it touched me!'. She thought but couldn't relax herself as she saw Sasori creating another attack. On the left side of the Kazekage's body, its arms opened up to have to these seals to bring out a barrage of hands to slam her down. Yakumo immediately jumped back and ran through hands seals. "I DON'T THINK SO! Striking Shadow Snakes!" Her arm produced a good number of snakes to wrap around the width of the arms. It was a hard to grapple them since there are a lot in numbers but Yakumo was able to do it. With speed, she was able to, single handed, run through hand seals again. "Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu!". With that, she blew out the fire dragon, which consumed the arms of the puppet before Sasori then detached them in hopes of it not catching on to his puppet.

Sasori glared hard at Yakumo who just glared right back. Lady Chiyo turned to her partner and just seemed awed by her. She wasn't like most medic nin and she seemed to be different than even Tsunade. She didn't rely on just medical ninjutsu to get her by in combat nor did she rely on just monstrous strength. Yakumo possess incredible Genjutsu and is has skill in regular ninjutsu if that Dragon Flame Jutsu was something to nod at. She can even dodge all of Sasori's needles like it was second nature. 'Just what in God's name are you, Yakumo?' She thought. Be that as it may she was glad she was with her now. This could've been real ugly if she had left with the Uchiha and Hatake.

Sasori suddenly sent out a barrage of Kunai directed at Yakumo. Lady Chiyo bristled. It seems Sasori is aiming for the young medic because she is threat to him, he sees that now, especially after she had just crippled him so easily at that. But what made her angry was that he had completely ignored her, viewing her lesser than the Kurama girl. 'Well, I guess I'll have to change that, won't I?'. She immediately pulled out two of her own puppets that seemed to have a close resemblance to the redhead in front of them, and it seemed so considering the flash of surprise that spread on Sasori's face before it went back to being his usual bored look. "Hehehe, so you brought them, eh, Granny?". "Of course I did. Even in this form, they should see how lowly you fallen, Sasori".

The red head laughed while Yakumo looked rather confused until she made the connection herself. One of the puppets in front of them was red headed like Sasori and the other had the same kind of eyes as he did. "H-His parents.....". "Yes, the very same ones that died in the war by the White Fang Of The Leaf!" Lady Chiyo said with an amount of venom in her voice by describing the man that took her own son and daughter in law away from her. Sasori just watched them with indifference while Yakumo looked on in shock. He really crafted puppets with his own parents? This guy was sick in the head!

"So you used your parents bodies to make them puppets?! You sick freak!" Yakumo shouted at him while Chiyo shook her head. "No, child. These were crafted honourably. These were one of the few that Sasori had made from scratch, before he had his desire to create puppets out of people!". "As you said, I crafted them. Which means I know how they work, inside and out. What do you hope to accomplish with this grandmother?!" Sasori said with a bit of mockery in his tone of voice. Chiyo smiled at him as she had her puppets pull out wires from making them lock hands. "Wanna bet?". Lady Chiyo had her puppets charge at Sasori's while Yakumo started her fire jutsu again, not daring to get close to the poisonous puppet. "Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu!".

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