42. Team 10's Idiotic Move! Zombie Duo Surfaces!

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It was a calm day on the streets of Konoha as it was probably 12 PM on the streets. The sun was shining, the people were swarming the streets on this nice spring day. By the looks of it, it was probably going to be another peaceful boring day in the village. That was how mostly everyone in Konoha feels, except for a young blonde whiskered boy who dashed through the street to the nearest training grounds with a smile on his face while being chased by his Uchiha girlfriend. "H-H-Hey! Naruto! Wait! What did I say?!" Sayori asked as she ran after him with confusion on her face, though if one were to look closer, since she and her boyfriend were just streaks passing through the street, you would see she had a faint blush on her face.

Naruto, with a big smile on his, was dashing through the streets to get to the training grounds to test his newfound theory. Something that he had been battling for days now since he learned this Jutsu. If his theory was right, he was appearing in his father's office with a hard slap to the face for keeping this simple fact. But then again, if he would've simply told him, completing the Jutsu wouldn't feel as awesome as it did right now. Or more accurately, would feel. And to think, it all started over a make out session.


Naruto and Sayori had just opened his apartment door, one slightly laughing and the other was fucking pissed. "You need to stop getting so jealous, Sayori-chan. It won't do you any good in the long run" he laughed as he moved to get a drink. "No! Because that bitch should know already to back off but just because she's a Hyuga and I'm an Uchiha, we have to be rivals in everything! No, I already have you! It's time for her to move on!" Sayori said as she jumped on the couch.

Flashback inside a Flashback

What had happened was earlier on around 10 am or so, Naruto and Sayori were having some breakfast together at the local diner, considering it a breakfast date after a team meeting, which was just basically Anko's excuse to hang out with her squad to which they didn't care. It was either that or do D-RANK missions so they let the the current Genin handle those. After splitting up with Yakumo and Anko, they were hungry and of course just came to the diner. Now, Naruto and Sayori were just having fun in their own company as they mesh well together. Naruto would say a goofy thing, Sayori would call him a dumbass which he would reply that she was dumbass and they would keep throwing fake insults at each other all the while smiling at each other.

It kept the relationship strong to know they were on the same page. As they ate and laughed with each other, in came Team 8. As soon as Sayori and Naruto spotted them, they scowled and tried to duck and hide but thanks to the Inuzuka nose, the team didn't need to see them to know they were there. "Heya Naruto! Sayori!.....why are you both under the table?" Kiba said as he, Hinata and Shino saw the two under the table, though Hinata was going through either blushing at the Kitsune or slightly glaring at the Uchiha.

The two sighed before they popped up and smiled. "Oh I was just helping Naruto find something. It's all good now" Sayori said while Naruto nodded. "What're you guys doing here?" The Kitsune asked, though in a slight tone that suggested many hint of annoyance of them being here. Kiba didn't catch it though. In fact, he made himself at home, right beside Sayori, sitting across from Naruto. "Well, Kurenai-sensei had called training off early today though we know she's just going to see Asuma-sensei for a date again".
Sayori frowned for three different reasons. One, team 8 was just crashing their own date. Two, Hinata keeps giving Naruto the lover eyes. Three, Kiba fucking stinks.

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