55. A Traitor's Wake

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In the plane of just rectangular platforms that was in a place of....nowhere, there were sounds of sharp metal being struck together surrounded the area. Surges of chakra plagued the area, thick like polluted oxygen. On one platform, two blurs finally settled and eyed one another carefully. Minato panted a bit but he had his tri-pronged kunai in hand, ready for another sequence of exchanging blows while the other nin, simply stood there, a lone sharingan processing the image that was the fastest man I history before him.

Minato glared at him. 'Damn this man! He improved greatly over the years! His reaction time has improved exponentially, definitely due to that Sharingan. Leave it to Madara Uchiha to be holding back the first meeting. But so was I.....I must be faster than fast! I need to be more than just a blur. I need to be faster than his Sharingan eye can see'. Minato sighed as the man before eyed him. "Why are doing this Madara?! Stop this....before it's too late". The Uchiha before him just stared at him.

"You really don't know, do you?" Minato stared at him rather confused. "What are you talking about?! Don't know what?!". "Despite your impressive speed, you're always late. In memory and timing, sensei". Minato widened his eyes in shock. 'He called me sensei? What? Why would he.....no....don't tell me...'. "O-O-O-Obito?". The Masked nin partially removed the object from his face, revealing his lone right Sharingan eye. "Heh....took too long for you to realize. Minato-sensei. Had I not said anything, you would still be fooled. People pride you on your intelligence but all I see is the lack of it".

Minato didn't even respond as he was so shocked. His student lived?! And he worked against Konoha?! He attacked Konoha all those years ago?! The Attack of the Nine Tails orchestrated by 'Madara Uchiha'. The Uchiha massacre with the Zetsu. It was all him. Minato frowned, going to confirm this, he flashed to the nearest mark, being on Obito's back. The seemingly resurrected Uchiha immediately turned around and caught the man's arm which raised to cut his back. "So.....it was you...Obito".

Obito just glared at him, trying to hit him with his own kunai but Minato teleported away from Obito to stand a good distance from the Uchiha. "Obito...why....why did you do this. I wanted you....to become the Hokage after me....leading the next generation-". "I'll stop you right there. You being Hokage, a terrible one at that, made it easy for me to not want to be Hokage! All your accomplishments, and all your skills and for what?". Minato deflated. "Is this.....because of Ri-". "DON'T.....don't you ever mention her name in front of me again! But to answer your question.....yes. it's because of her and your inability to save her! You and Kakashi are nothing but trash. No....you too are lower than trash! Especially you, sensei!".

"The fastest man alive, the hero of Konoha. The man who was able to do anything....couldn't even raise three children correctly. You left one of them to rot!". Minato felt his eyes begin to sting. It was true. He left Naruto alone during his childhood to raise Menma and Naruko. That much was blatantly clear. It was a kick to the dick every time he saw Naruto. How mature he's grown yet he had little hand in that department. It was all him and his resources that he couldn't even give him. He was a pathetic father and a even worse man, which made him a bad Hokage. "I....I know. I know I let you down, Obito. You and Ri.....her. But Obito....you shouldn't stoop to our level of trash to get back at us-". "Oh shut the hell up, Minato. Trash like you don't get to try and give motivational speeches. Besides, you never let me finish. Your also so quick in the regards to cut off other people".

"Then why?!". "Because, the Rin that died that day.....was trash as well....she was more than that...she was a fake. A Rin that is capable of death isn't Rin at all! So this means this world is a fake and I will cleanse it!". Minato began to get scared. "How....How will you do it? By killing all of the Shinobi in the world?". That's where the Uchiha smiled. "Close but not quite. I thought to do that but no, too inefficient. Those that remember what once was will be unable to accept what can be". This confused Minato even more. What was he on about? "You're trash Minato. Your family is trash. Your shinobi is trash and your civilians. The entirety of Konoha is trash. And not just Konoha the entire world is full of trash, even me! Each nation, trash with its people. But I can change that. All I need is to gather the Tailed Beasts and then it will come to fruition".

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