25. The Fight

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Two figures were seen heading the other direction of the Valley of the end, heading into the forest again. The two people were silent as they travelled along the route, heading into their destination. They were heading back into the Fire Nation, which confused the girl to know end. 'If Sasuke was planning on going to Orochimaru's hideout, then where is he going?' Sayori thought as she kept following him. It didn't matter to her where he was going though, she was going to drag his pathetic ass back to Konoha so the Uchiha can lay judgement on him.

After a hour of silent travelling with the two, a view came into a sight. "What is this?! You'd want to fight here of all places, Sasuke?!". The Uchiha male stayed silent but instead, picked up his pace, heading out way ahead of her. "H-Hey!" she shouted, chasing on after him. It wasn't until that they were on of the structure that Sasuke spoke to her. The two were facing across from each other in a reasonable distance. His back was facing towards her as she glared at him.

"Sasuke, have you gone insane?! What the fuck are doing?! Why in the hell would you go running to Orochimaru for power?! You're an Uchiha, you fucking dumb ass! By name sake alone, power comes to us easy as long as we wish it and work hard for it! I swear you-". "Sayori....". His voice was calm and cold, not an ounce of emotion in his tone as he called her name.

It was enough to make her shut up as she eyed him. ".....do me a favor.....and shut up before I kill you". Sasuke turned around and showed her his face that was partially covered in the curse mark and it affected his left eye. His left irise was dark yellow, showing his pupil which was barely visible for most Uchiha. It just showed that madness that was flowing off of Sasuke.

"S-S-Sasuke.....your eye!". He laughed at her shaken state. "This is the power that Orochimaru has given me! With this, I can soundly crush you and then, once I gain the full power, I can return to the lead and resurrect the dying clan known as the UCHIHA!". Sayori frowned. "You fool! You think anyone is gonna follow you and your madness! The clan knows full well that the heir that will take over the Uchiha will be Itachi-nii! It will never be you. Not even our dumb ass father can stop the entire clan's wishes!"

Sasuke laughed. "You're acting as if I'm giving them a choice in deciding on whose the next clan head of the Uchiha!". Sayori glared at him. "You'd force your own brethren to follow you like that! You think I'll allow you to do something like that, you sick fuck!". Sasuke smirked at her. "Why do you think I brought you here, Sayori-nee?! This is the Uchiha clan's hideout! Remember when father would bring us here from time to time? Well, I though this place would be a benefiting place to end you. I'll respect that you are an Uchiha, A person who shares my blood, even more deeper than a regular clan member! You're my twin, my sister.....the one who I should love as my family".

Sasuke smiled viciously. "A person who is basically family..... This is the perfect setting to cut you down...." Sasuke said as he activated his two tomoe Sharingan. Sayori but her lip. She saw no hesitation in his eyes, he really meant to kill her here. She had to drop a few tears at the thought because no matter what, he was still her fucking brother. Even though they disliked one another, even though she strived to get better than him and labeled him as an obstacle, he was still her fucking brother.

To see him so ready to end her after all of their years together as regular bickering siblings.....it hurt. 'Is this how you always felt about me Sasuke? If the moment should ever arise that you have been given power, you'd turn on me and kill me, huh?! Is that how you felt about all of us in the clan? Is that how you felt about Itachi-nii? About Kaa-san and Tou-san too? Were we.....just opportunities to power? If that's how you felt all along, how foolish was I to even consider that we were at least more than rivals?!'

She stopped crying as she looked up at Sasuke, who was smiling and laughing at her weakness. She wiped her eyes from the extra tears and activated her three tomoe Sharingan. Her eyes pierced into his as she got into the Uchiha clan Taijutsu stance. "If that's how you want things to be, Sasuke, you want to sever our bonds as brother and sister, than so be it. But we are still connected by the clan and as a such, I'm still gonna drag your ass home as a fellow Uchiha!".

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