48. And Then There Was One....Part 1

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As the TV was blaring in the room, a nice romantic movie was playing on the screen, showing a soon to be couple reuniting after a long time of being separated for over a decade. On the couch of the apartment, Yakumo and Haku lay down with a blow of popcorn and a blanket draped over their body to keep them warm, though their body heat was doing an excellent job of that on their own. Yakumo snuggling into Haku's neck with a loving smile and blush while the ice prince was just holding her with a smile.

Yakumo turned to face him, with a loving look. "Happy Valentines Day, love. I know it passed and we missed Valentines Day. Work life isn't fair but I'm glad we have this time now. I love you". Haku smiled as he kissed her. "I love you". "Yeah, I love you guys too!". The two sighed as they turned to see the blonde whiskered teen on the other couch with a bowl of popcorn and a blanket as he watched the screen. "Yeah, you too, Naruto" the two said in unison. It's been about a month since Naruto last spoke to Sayori and the blonde has been pretty moody.

It wasn't like he was depressed or anything but he was just a lot easier to upset now that he and Sayori were taking some time apart. Now he just really stays in the apartment, rarely going out unless for food. "Naruto....don't you think it's time to go see Sayori?" Yakumo asked in a concerned tone. She had seen her other teammate just recently and, despite being in better shape than Naruto currently, she still wasn't in good spirits, either. In fact, she seemed so confused last they spoke.


Yakumo was just walking about after just visiting Anko for a little bit of training on her Taijutsu again to see her assessment and progress in the art. While Anko is very relentless, this time around, Yakumo found herself able to keep up and managed to get a few hits in the fight before it was over. Like her style, Anko was very slippery in a fight. She began to crack her back as she began walking. "Thank God Iruka-sensei came by for lunch otherwise the beating would've went on...." she said in a pleased tone. When Anko gets into a spar, she gets INTO IT.

"Maybe some tea will ease some of the pain" she said to herself, walking along the surprisingly empty street, since it was only 5 o'clock in the day. She turned the corner to see her Uchiha teammate on a bench, sitting over with her elbows supporting her upper body by being on her legs, her body hunched over in a thinking position. Sayori's fingers intertwined as she sat there, lost in her head about something. Surpised to see her there, Yakumo called out. "Hey, Sayori-chan!". The Uchiha turned her head to see her and lightly smiled. "Oh, hello Yaku-chan".

The Kurama clan member sat beside her immediately. "What a surprise, I would of thought your back would be glued to the grass of a training ground right about now". Instead of getting a rebuttal about her obsessive training habit, like she was expecting, Sayori just chuckled but it wasn't filled with emotion, rather hallow in fact. "I guess I'm just not acting.....as my usual self these past few weeks". That raised a flag in her head as Yakumo saw her shrink to herself. "What's going on with you, Sayori? Is everything alright?". Sayori didn't answer, just pushing herself closer to her body.

"What's going on with you? I can't help you if you don't tell me? Does Naruto know?". The Uchiha flinched at the name she said, which she didn't fail to notice. "So this attitude is BECAUSE of Naruto? What happened? Did you two break up or something? It's usually like you guys to have a stupid fight and eventually make up". Sayori shook her head. "No.....well, it is because of him but yet it....it's so much more than that". Now Yakumo grew a bit worried for her two friends. "W-What do you mean?". Sayori pushed her head to her knees, hugging herself.

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