17. Naruto Verses Menma

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Naruto was walking to the stands while the medics went to deal with Naruko's weak body on the ground. On his way up, he encountered Sayori, who just jumped him, not caring if she was smudging Kichiro. The Fox luckily got out before he body impacted him and sighed in relief. "Crazy girl I tell ya!". Sayori wrapped her arms around Naruto and hugged him. "You did it, you won!". Naruto smiled. "Yeah, I did. Well it wasn't too hard really, I'm just sick like that!".

The others showed up in record time while Anko shot straight towards Naruto. "You brat! How dare you!". She pulled Sayori off Naruto and grabbed the boy. "Anko-sensei, what're you- OH GOD NO! PLEASE, NOT THE SNAKES!". In her left sleeve was a good long cobra waiting to strike as Anko held Naruto by the waist of his pants with her right arm. "Kichiro buddy, help me!". The small fox looked at the cobra and shook his head. "I'll miss ya, captain! Kaa-chan will start the pyer for your warrior funeral".

Naruto glared at the fox before he looked at Anko. "Why are you doing this Anko! I won! Don't do this!". Anko dropped Naruto but her glare was intense. "Why?! WHY?! BECAUSE MY OWN GENIN DIDN'T TRUST ME, THAT'S WHY?!". Naruto looked at her in confusion. "What are you talking about, sensei? I trust you". Anko glared harder. "No you don't! Because if you did, you would have told me about your bloodline! Your team mates knew before I did? Why?! How could you do that to me?! Naruto I'm one of the first people you tell about things like this. This is serious".

Naruto looked down in shame as Anko looked at him in disappointment. "So you didn't trust me enough with your secret?". Naruto shot up and spoke. "No, it's not that! I did trust you, Anko-sensei, I just didn't tell you because I didn't know if you were directly working under my father at the moment in time. The way you spoke about me, forgiving my family, you sounded like they put you up to watch me, I couldn't take that risk in letting them find out! Hell, at the time, Sayori was the first to know because she spied on me training".

Mikoto looked at her daughter, who blushed in embarrassment. "I-I-I wouldn't say spying more like, severe observation". Naruto glared at her playfully while Anko smirked a little. "Haku found out because I used it on him when we fought at Wave and I just told Yakumo before the preliminary rounds. Other than that, I never told a soul. If I was to tell another person, it would've been you. I do trust you and I'm sorry that you didn't feel that way when you found out, Anko-sensei". Anko sighed as she put the cobra away.

She smiled as she ruffled his hair. "Well.... At least out of the people you told, it was your own teammates. Jesus, I'm training super stars, Mikoto-sama!". The elder Uchiha woman laughed. "Well that they are, you really do have the elite team, Anko-san!". The Genin blushed with embarrassment from the praise but it was all cut short when Naruto's name was shouted by a group of people he didn't like. "Naruto!". The Genin in question turned his head to see Jiraiya, Tsunade, Kushina and Minato standing there with shock and pride. written on their faces. 'Sadly, only one of their faces is the one I don't mind at all'.

Kushina sprinted towards Naruto with tears of joy. "My Sochi! You did incredible! Such strong genes! You'll make a great Uzumaki clan hea-". "First, let me stop you right there. Excuse my language Uzumaki-san but who the fuck said that I was gonna be apart of your whack ass clan?". Kichiro yipped in agreement. "That's right, Naruto-sama, belongs to the Kitsune clan now!". Kushina glared at the fox. Ever since it showed up, it's been tearing her family apart. It dragged her baby away from home and made him hurt her and the family.

She will no longer tolerate it. "He belongs to the Uzumaki clan as his name is-". "I was disowned from your family" Naruto said plainly. That had everyone shocked. "W-What?!" Kushina asked. "Yep, around the age of 5 or so, I had Minato sign any rights of me being a member of the Uzumaki or Namikaze clan houses. I'm my own free person by paper!". Kushina began to break down But Tsunade charged in. "Lemme see the paper! It could be a ruse!". Naruto sighed as he pulled out a piece of paper. He always had a copy on hand so he can show them.

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