37. Art Is An Explosion!!!

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Inside the Akatsuki

There was nothing but silence in the room full of S RANK missing nin. All of them were seen just full of holograms minus two, who were real. Suddenly, Tobi jumped up. "Aw man! They totally cheated! Those clever little bastards! Not cool!". "Hn. So they got the jump on ya, huh Tobi?" a long blond haired man said. "Ha! Pathetic! If it had been me, I'd be leaving them as sacrifice for Lord Jashin!" The grey haired man said. "I highly doubt that. Without me, you'd surely be dead, Hidan. They'd leave you to rot". "Hey! They only thing that's rotting around here is your mom's crotch, Kakazu! HA!" Hidan strikes back.

"Enough!" Pain said before turning to Tobi and Kisame, who had also returned from his diversion mission. "Mission failed in stopping them, Leader-sama" the shark man said. "The team I was tasked in stopping was also pretty powerful!". "Jeez, you both suck! If it had been me, I would be of-". "Hidan, enough. And it's alright, Kisame. The plan was more of a diversion more than an actual stop. We got what we need now thanks to you two...". The Akatsuki look down to see the dead Kazekage at the bottom of the Gedo Statue, as Pain called it. "Theres no need to hide anymore....good I can let loose a bit! Standing here for a long while, ya know, hn. I want to work on my art a bit".

"I'm afraid that'll have to wait. The Nine Tails team has arrived to the hideout!". "Hn! So what?! It's not like they can get in here! The seals are to complex if they peel it off, they'll get a nasty surprise!". Sooner after that, the entire boulder came down, breaking open from extreme force. "Don't you ever get tired of being wrong, Deidara you idiot!" Sasori said. "Don't look at me! You put the seals up, not me!". "Be that as it may, you two are the only ones in here to defend this base so you better beat them. And try to capture the Nine tails as quick as possible!" Konan said. "Hey Tobi, real quick? What's the Nine Tails like?" Deidara asked "He's super duper fast! Zoom! Zoom! Zoooooom! And he has powerful Jutsu! BOOOOOM! And don't kill Nine Tails, he owes me a Handy J! Rub rub rub.....maybe even a little slurp slurp, if ya know what I mean-". Tobi said but was interrupted by Sasori. "Just get the hell outta here!".

The Akatsuki members turned off their holographic appearance jutsu and the Gedo Statu also disappeared, leaving just Deidara, Sasori and the dead body of Gaara, who was being sat on by the former. That was the scene team 12 plus Kakashi and Lady Chiyo came in on to see. "Hn. Well, Well, we have a bunch of intruders, don't we Sasori my man". "Indeed we do, Deidara, and I'm not your man!". "Just fucking go with for once" the blonde sighed. The others eyed the two Akatsuki members before taking notice of what the blonde one was sitting on. Seeing as it was Gaara, everyone thought. 'We were too late!'.

Naruto clenched his teeth in rage, wanting to rip them a new one but he controlled himself. He didn't need to slip up here. They'll pay, in due time. "You're looking real comfortable on my buddy there. Hate to do this to you but mind if I ask you to move?" Naruto asked casually but there was an edge in his tone which showed he wasn't playing around with these clowns. Deidara though, didn't catch it. "Oh yeah, and if I should say no? What will you do? Make me move?". "I just might, yeah. The day is still young....." Naruto said with his eyes going red with its slitted pupils which widened both Akatsuki's eyes. 'So he's the Nine Tails Jinchuriki, huh? Fron what toddler but rather suspect explanation Tobi gave us, we shouldn't underestimate him' Sasori thought but before he can begin thinking of countermeasures, Deidara began running his mouth.

"So, you're Nine Tails, huh? Figures, I should've known by the whiskers at least!". Naruto glared at him with fire in his eyes. Team 12 looked anxious at what they were planning to do with Naruto. "So do you mind doing me the favor......of getting caught up in my art!". With that, Deidara threw something from his palm, something white. Naruto pushed away both Sayori and Yakumo, both who were in either side of him and took the explosion face first. "Naruto!" Yakumo shouted while Sayori grunted. "Damn it!". The explosion wasn't big but it was still enough to incapacitate someone, even decapitate but luckily Naruto wasn't just someone. He jumped back with a red shroud of chakra around his arms that absorbed most of the explosion.

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