wwsd? - simon

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~y/n's pov~

I woke up in a dark room, I couldn't see anything or anyone. I heard talking and mumbling and sighed. I had been kidnapped and I knew I was taken from my team because if my team were here we would have been out of her by now. I sighed and wiggled around trying to get out of whatever was holding my hands behind my back. I sighed when it didn't work. "what would Simon do?" I asked to myself quietly. Simon is my Husband and we have been together for 5 years. I miss him so much and I wish he was here with me. I sighed and winged my arms and legs once more.

~Simon's pov~

It had been over a week since I have seen y/n and I was really starting to worry. The whole group made it seem like it was fine but goddamn, I miss my wife. "Simon, wake up so we can go looking for supplies" Warren said softly as she shook me slowly to wake me up. I woke up and sighed "Okay, okay. I'm up" I said with a small yawn.

~y/n's pov~

I felt something hard hit the back of my head and then everything went black. I woke up in a chair, of course I was tied to it so I couldn't get out of it. I now had something covering my mouth so I couldn't scream or talk. Tears filled my eyes as I shut them. I sighed and let myself cry when all of a sudden I heard gunshots and yelling. The voices sounded like Warren, Doc, and 10K but I wasn't sure. Then I saw Simon and Warren walk in, their faces lit up when they found me alive. They got me out and I grabbed Simon and hugged him tightly. I sobbed into his neck as he held me tightly.

~a week later~

I was home, with my family where I belonged. Currently I was laying in bed with Simon as he played with my hair. We had been laying here for the past few hours just listening to each other's breathing. I loved him so much and was so grateful for him.

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