drown me out-10K

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(TRIGGER WARNING:cutting and suicide) 

*Things you need to know flash back thingy* 

Me and 10K,we hate each other. He calls me a push over and says shit like "We only let you in the group because Warren knew you! Your Nothing to the group!" it brings me down because I care so much about him. I've been cutting these last few weeks. It hurt at first but what hurts worst is what 10K says to me. *end of flash back thingy* (YES I KNOW 10K WOULD NEVER BUT GO WITH IT MY LITTLE Z KILLERS!) I was walking along the edge of a bridge with Warren and George and 10K. I looked down at the water and back at Warren who was talking to George and 10K. I said "what if I jumped" i didn't mean to say it out loud but I did. But now looked up. Not Warren,Not George and of course not 10K. I sighed and looked back down at the water. I got lost in my thoughts. I zoned out. The last thing I remembered is Warren and The other two moving away from the edge. All of a sudden About twenty Z's came running our way. I snapped out of my thoughts. Five Z's came for me. One grabbed me and I started falling,to make things better my gun and knife fell out of my hands. The other Z's were grabbing  me as well. I was going to die. I let tears fall. George killed three of the Z's but the other ones grabbed her and pulled her back. I kicked One of the Z's that had me and pushed it of the bridge and picked my knife up. I killed as many Z's as I could and made sure George was okay and Warren and 10K killed the other Z's. I stood up and grabbed my gun. 10K walked over to me and I figured he was going to say something rude so I snapped "BEFORE YOU START LET ME JUST ASK SOMETHING, WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO TO YOU? I HAVE TRIED SO HARD TO MAKE YOU HAPPY,I'VE TRIED EVEN HARDER TO KNOW KILL MYSELF BECAUSE OF THE PAIN YOU PUT ME THROUGH SO PLEASE! STOP!" "I was actually going to ask you if you were okay and was going to ask about your wrist. There all cut up but now I know what happened. I'm sorry I've treated you like shit,I regret it all. I just" he paused and sighed "I wasn't ready for a new group member,I knew I couldn't get close to you so I started being a dick I guess but now I know I can get closer" 10K said and looked down. I hugged him. He hugged back which shocked me but I held him. "I'm not going anywhere 10K" I said "Call me Tommy,That's what My best friends call me" He whispered into my ear and my eyes went wide and he laughed. This was going to be a great friendship.

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