alone together - simon

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i woke up with a massive headache. i was in a room that had many cameras and computers,there as a dog next to me keeping me warm. i sighed and pet the dog before sitting up and looking around. i saw a man sleeping in a chair. i gulped and stood up slowly. i walked over to a gun and looked to see if there was any bullets. there was no. i sighed and walked around a bit. i heard feet jump to the floor then i felt a gun get pointed to my back. i gulped and shut my eyes. "l-let me see you" a male voice said. i slowly turned around,i was face to face with the male. i gulped once again and blushed softly. "i-i'm y/n" i said softly. "i'm simon,but call me cz" the male said. i nodded as i watched the gun get pulled away from me. i sighed and moved away from him. he sat down and pulled a chair up to let me sit next to him. i sat down and crossed my legs. he smiled weakly and began to ask questions. i answered them to gain trust. i began to ask him questions after he was done asking me. turns out before all hell broke loose he had a wife and a dog,he hadn't seen them since pre z. i told him that i had a boyfriend but he left me during all this. he smiled softly as i explained i was looking for my brother and father. i told him my mom had died awhile ago and he nodded. "what's your brothers name?" he asked. "tommy..but he may go by 10k..he always talked about that name,he said if dad died he'd go by it" i said softly. "1-1-10k?! i know him! i'm working with him right now! he's heading to california right now" he explained. he told me where my brother was and began to pack a bag for the both of us to go find him. i smiled and helped. we would leave in the morning when is was sunny out. yes it was snowy where we were but we'd find a way to get to my brother.

~after finding a way to get to tommy 🥺 🥰~

me and simon were almost to tommy. i took a deep breath as we got to tommy. i got out of the car and ran to go look for him. i found a group of people and went to ask them. there was a blue man and a dark skinned woman. i gulped and and walked up to them. "h-ha-have you guys seen this man?" i asked showing a picture if tommy. the woman smiled and took my hand dragging me into a run down barn.

when i first saw tommy my eyes felt with tears,my heart began to race. i ran up to tommy and hugged him tightly. he didn't seem to notice it was me until he looked down at me. he picked me up and hugged back.

after about a week me and everyone were close and i was apart of their group now. CZ told me that he'd like to stay with me as long as he can. i blushed and nodded pulling him into a tight hug. "thank you simon" i said before pulling away smiling.

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