what are you looking at(Simon)

4K 46 7

*Y/N POV* I have to admit CZ Is pretty Hot, He has a perfect smile and voice I was Knocked out my thought when CZ Called over a walkie Talkie "Yes, I would like To talk to Y/N" Simon said "Me? ok" I said "Hello CZ" I said "Hi, Wow Your Voice is beautiful" He said "Thank you, Your Voice isn't To bad it self" I reply "Anyway Y/N I want you to Close your eyes and wait until 10k says 'WATERMELON' ok? " CZ Said/Asked "Ok" I said nervous. I closed my eyes and felt someone turn me around "WATERMELON" 10k yelled, I opened my eyes and saw the one and only Simon, "Wow your more beautiful in person" Simon said "I... I.. Thanks" I said And then he Looked at me just looking at my face "CZ What you looking at" 10k asked "A beautiful girl" Simon said then he kissed me Of course I kissed back, When he pulled away he asked "Y/N would you like to be my girlfriend" I looked down "I'm sorry but no" I said "Oh" Simon said everyone was shocked "I WOULD LOVE TO BE YOU GIRLFRIEND" I yelled and hugged him "I knew it" 10k said.

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