When I look at you-Keith

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I was waiting for my dad to get home from work. It was 1am. He never came home this late. I waited and Waited. I heard the door open. I looked up and saw My dad was with another woman. Not my mom who was asleep in My parents room. My eyes Filled with tears. I wasn't dumb. I Knew what his plan was. I got up and screamed "MOM!" next thing I know My mom was running out of her room. She Saw My father. Her Eyes Filled with tears. I ran to my room and slammed my door shut. I locked it and ran to my bed and curled into a ball. I cried and cried. I ended up falling asleep. I woke up to a knocking sound. I stood up. My eyes were red. My hair messy. I unlocked the door. I opened the door. It was my dad I mean It was Keith. "What" I said coldly,He looked down "Your mom and I are over and I'm Moving to LA today and uh" He choked on his words "I wanted to say goodbye" My eyes water. Though I was made he cheated I still loved my father "G-Goodbye? I won't see you again?" I questioned tears falling "Not for a few years. Maybe 2 or 3 years" He said "O-oh" I said. It went quiet. I hugged my dad and didn't let go for a good 10 minutes. "I love you bubba bear" He said "I love you too dada" I was 16 but I still called him dada.

~A few hours later~

My dad had left. My mom acted like nothing happened. My dogs were sad. I was...Depressed. I was laying in bed with My dogs. I couldn't get up. I wouldn't get up. I just laid there. Tears fell and I gripped onto my teddy bear. My mom came in and told me to go get something to eat. I refused. She yelled "GET UP!!" "NO! IT'S YOUR FAULT I'M LIKE THIS! IF YOU WOULD HAVE LOVED DAD MORE HE WOULDN'T HAVE CHEATED!" I screamed. My mom looked like she had been stabbed. She walked out. I curled up into a ball. I wanted my dad. I wanted to be happy. But most of all I wanted my family back.

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