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*Y/N POV* I was getting back from a run when I walked in and Saw Doc With 3 girls I dropped my bag and ran out the door, I started crying. I just keep running and running until I bumped into 10k he saw me crying and hugged me "What's wrong" 10k asked "D... D... d... doc cheated on m... m... m... Me" I sobbed "That @$$" 10k said I nodded then doc came up to us "Look I'm sorry, I just couldn't help myself, It's the Zombie apocalypse what do you expect" Doc Said And asked "I EXPECT A MAN YOUR AGE TO BE MORE I DON'T KNOW LOVING" I yelled Doc Yelled back "WELL MAYBE IF YOU LOVED ME MORE, AND DIDN'T GO ON SO MUCH RUN MAYBE I WOULDN'T NEED TO CHEAT" I stood there Tears Falling down from my eyes "I... I do love you doc, I love you more then I love anyone in this world" I said "Prove it" Doc said I ran into his arms and kissed him with all the passion I had in me He kissed me back. I pulled away and said "Listen I love you doc and I always will" "I love you to Y/N" Doc said, I hugged him and we walked away hand in hand. "uh guys you forgot me, Oh whatever" 10k Said.

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