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~Pre Z~
I was driving home from work. It was currently 930pm and I was basically speeding home to see my Boyfriend. I have had a horrible day at work. Tommy always made me feel much better but, when I pulled into the driveway and got out and went up to the front door and unlocked it. I opened the door to see Tommy Having sex with another girl (TOMMY WOULD NEVER) who happened to be my best friend. I dropped dead in my tracks. I dropped my briefcase which cased a loud thud as it hit the ground. They stopped and looked up. I was crying. Makeup was running down my face. I was shaking. Tommy looked at me with pure Terror. Y/bff/n looked at me with the same look.  "Y/N I thought you were working later" Tommy Said "THAT'S WHAT YOUR WORRIED ABOUT?! YOUR FUCKING MY BEST FRIEND AND YOUR WORRIED ABOUT ME SUPPOSED TO BE WORKING LATE?! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! GET THE HELL OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE!" it was my house. It was in my name. It had all my stuff in it. "Y/N List-" Y/bff/n started but I cut her off "I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT!" I screamed. They both rushed to put their clothes on. "I'll pack your stuff up tonight and you can pick it up tomorrow" I said tears still falling "O-Okay" Tommy said, he was crying as well. He put his shoes on and grabbed his jacket and keys. Y/bff/n put her shoes on and grabbed her purse. She looked at me with tears flowing down her face. They both walked out. Once I heard Tommy's car drive away I fell to the ground. I cried and cried for what felt like hours. After I pulled myself together I went upstairs. I changed and grabbed Boxes and packed all of Tommy's stuff. I packed his clothes, his shoes, his jackets, his devices, and all the stuff he had ever given me. I packed more of his stuff and carried it downstairs and sat it by the door. I went upstairs and laid down. I didn't sleep much but I tried.
~Next day~
I woke up and 12 in the afternoon to the sound of knocking downstairs. I got up and went downstairs and opened the door. It was Tommy.
"H-Hey" he said. I didn't say anything. I couldn't. "where's my stuff?" he asked sadly. "Right there" I said annoyed yet sad. He grabbed his stuff, put it in his car, and walked back up to the door. "Well That's Everything" He said and I nodded "Y/N can we talk?" He asked "I'd rather not..." I said "Please" He said "Fine" I said and walked inside and he followed.
(Bold Tommy, normal Y/N)
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean anything. I was just so lonely because you were always working and when you weren't working you didn't want to do anythi-" "BULLSHIT! I WOULD DO EVERYTHING YOU WANTED BUT WE WOULDN'T DO ANYTHING I WANTED! MY JOB IS MY DREAM JOB! I LOVE IT! YEAH IT'S STRESSFUL BUT ALL JOBS ARE! YOUR ALWAYS FILMING BUT DO YOU WALK IN ON ME FUCKING YOUR BEST FRIEND? NO! SO THAT'S NOT A FUCKING EXCUSE!" "I-I know but-" "NO BUTS! TOMMY YOU FUCKED UP! EXPECT THAT! ALSO YOU NEED TO EXPECT YOU'LL NEVER GET ME BACK!" "b-bu-but I love you Y/N. Y/N I wanted to marry you. I wanted to have a family with you. I'm sorry" "well you should have thought of that before you cheated. Now please Tommy just go..."
Tommy stood up and walked out crying.  I was crying as well. I didn't know how to handle this pain. I was to much. I couldn't take it. I went upstairs and laid back down. Luckily it was my day off so I didn't have to worry about calling into work but one thing I had to worry about was the pain, and the loneliness, and the angry. But mostly the loneliness.

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