leaving with someone else-nat

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nat and i are dating. we're not as close as we used to be but we still love each other. or so i think. he means the world to me and i would do anything for him but lately he has been acting so weird. he sometimes acts like i'm not even there. i hate it but iv'e learned how to deal with it. i walked into me and nat's house one day and saw him waiting for him. he saw me and smiled softly and walked up to me. "hey love,i know it's late but would you like to go to a party with me?" he asked. "i'd love to,let me get ready okay?" i said/asked. i ran upstairs and stripped down and put on a tight black dress. i did light makeup and fixed my hair then i went downstairs. nat was already done getting ready so we headed out. 

once we got to the party i saw many people and many females. not a lot of males to my surprise. i shook it off and walked around. after a bit of getting ignored by nat i thought to myself and decided to walk around alone for a bit. 

about 30 minutes later i saw nat heading towards the front door with a blonde girl. i sighed as tears filled my eyes. i ran out the back door and began to walk home. i knew it would take an hour or two but at least i won't have to walk in on those two.

'was i not needed anymore? did he not love me anymore? of course he didn't or you'd be with him right now,god no wonder he doesn't love you,your an idiot.' i thought to myself as i walked the dark and empty sidewalks.

once i was home i saw all the lights were off. "he most have went to the girls house then" i said to myself. i took my heels off and slipped my jacket off. tears fell from my eyes as i walked upstairs and into me and nat's empty bedroom. i turned the light on and saw a made bed with my work clothes on it. i sighed and took my dress off and slipped shorts on and a big hoodie i had bought for myself. once i was in bed i texted nat.

'nat..don't bother to come home,i'll pack all your stuff and give it to keith. he then will give you your stuff and you will never text me,call me,or even think about me again. if you try to call or text i'll block you and that will be that. anyways. i love you though you don't love me'

i sent the text and turned my phone off. i closed my eyes and fell asleep thinking about ways to keep nat out of my thoughts. 

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