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*Y/n POV* I was super happy that day when all of a sudden I see 10k and Red Kissing, I sigh and look down because I have a huge crush on 10k and I hate red"10K STOP" I hear Red Laughing a Tear slips from my eyes and I wipe it away "Y/n go get 10k and His Lover" Doc says I nod and stand up and scream "10K, RED STOP SUCKING ON EACH'S OTHERS FACE AND LET'S GO" 10k blushes and Starts walking at me but before he can reach me I run to the truck and get in the back and lean on the side 10k and red get in and I hear them sigh I end up falling asleep."Y/n wake up 10k needs you red broke up with him" I hear Addy say with fear in her face "I HATE THIS STUPID WORLD" I hear 10k scream "Y/n Please" Addy begs "Fine" I say and jump out of the truck and run over to 10k "10k look at me" I say softly, He looks at me with tears falling down his face, "You can do so much better then red, You deserve better Your Sweet, Caring, Kind, Loving, and lets not forget Handsome" I say Blushing at the last part "Y/N YOU DON'T GET IT I LOVED HER" 10k yells in my face I step back a bit and Tear up "YEA WELL I LOVED YOU BEFORE YOU EVEN MET RED" I yelled at him the whole group is shocked "I... i... I didn't know" He says softly and pulls me into a tight hug. I hugged back and cried into his shoulder "I love you too Y/n, I always have, But I didn't think you loved me back so when  I saw Red I thought I loved her but I really didn't" 10k said then he kissed my check and I smiled "Thank you 10k" I said "Are we a thing" He asked I just nod and smile.

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