what is love?-Murphy

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"Murphy Wait!" I giggled and ran up to him. He wrapped his arm around my waist "Hey Princess" He said smiling. I blushed at the pet name but I loved when he called me them. Me and Murphy also went on evening walks pre z. We still do. I love the fact me and Murphy are still close. I love the fact we're still together. I loved him with all my heart and soul. He on the other hand well,He loved having someone around,he didn't love me,or the fact that we were together and he didn't love calling me the pet names. I knew this all now but back then I had no clue. It made me question if I knew what love truly was. Me and Murphy got to the camp and I ran in. I ran to Warren and Grabbed her and dragged her to my tent. "Can I talk to you,Girl to Girl?" I asked with a sweet shy voice "Of course Sweetie" She said softly "So....Murphy doesn't really love me,but I love him but he loves the thought of someone around bu-" Warren cut me off by saying "Honey,you should have someone who loves you because of you not because they want someone around,and yes me and Murphy are weirdly best friends but still,he's dumb" She said laughing softly. I nodded and put a fake smile on "Thanks Warren" I said Walking out. I walked over to Murphy "Hey Ba-" I cut him off by kissing him. He didn't kiss back so I pulled away. "I knew it" I said with tears in my eyes "You knew what? Why are you crying?" He said "BECAUSE YOU DON'T LOVE ME! YOU LOVE HAVING SOMEONE AROUND! WELL GO FIND SOMEONE ELSE THAN! ITS OVER!" I said and ran into my tent and zipped it up. I curled up and cried until I fall asleep. I have never been in this much pain. Does it ever go away? I don't think it will. 

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