Loneliness pt 2 (10k)

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~two months later~

The apocalypse started a month ago. I've killed some people. I've killed a lot of Z's. I was lonely though. I missed Tommy. I missed my family. I missed my old life.

I sighed as I walked down the street. I saw a group of people. I groaned and started to walk faster. I started to walk right past them when I heard a "Hello" from a women. I looked up and saw a very pretty red head smiling at me. "H-H-Hey" I said with a stutter. "Hey,I'm not gonna hurt you" She said as the rest of her group walked up to us. I saw Tommy. My weapons dropped and I looked at him with heartbreak in my eyes. "Y-Y/N?" he said. I nodded with tears falling. He hugged me and I hugged back. It was dumb thing to do but I missed him so much. I held him and cried. "Shhh It's okay,I'm here" He whispered to me. I nodded and held him tighter. "I missed you" He said. "I-I missed you too" I said thinking about what I just said. I knew I missed him but I didn't know How long It would take until I wanted to punch him.












I am so sorry for not posting!!! School has just started and I'm planning on starting a youtube channel and that is taking a lot of my thinking space. I also am having some trouble in my relationship. My family is going through hell right now. I'm going through hell but I'm gonna try really hard to keep writing! I LOVE YOU MY Z KILLERS!!! 

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