used (Keith)

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(Trigger Warning-Alcoholic&Abuse ) (Y/N Pov)

I walked into Mine and My boyfriends House. I saw him Drinking...Again...Great. I slowly walked over to him "Hey babe" I said Calmly "Hey Angel" he said smiling a drunk smile. He was never a rude drunk but It Seemed Now he was always drunk. I sat Next to him and laid my head on his shoulder,which he was fine with until I stood up to go to the bathroom. He pulled me down "And where the hell do you think your going?" He said coldly "T-t-The bathroom" I said In shock "No,I bet your Going to walk out that front door to go sleep with some dude huh? You think I'm not good enough huh? Well your not the only one who can Cheat Bitch" He spat in my face well grabbing my wrist and pushing me into a wall causing me to grunt in pain. He walked over and Punched My shoulder and My face. He then grabbed a jacket and walked out of the housing shutting and locking the door as I screamed "IF YOU LOVED ME,WHY'D YOU LEAVE ME?" (Best part of the song) then I curled up. I sat there. Bleeding,crying,curled up.












Hey Guys!! It's been forever I know! I'm thinking of Ideas but I'm Really Stressed so I was Like "I should write" and Now I'm kinda relaxed so yeahhhh sorry it's short,let me know if you want a part 2. I love Ya!!!!!

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