my little quarantine - Kellita

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"We are officially on lockdown" I heard the TV say from the living room. I heard a loud sigh from my wife and knew she wasn't taking this well. "Hey, it's only for a little bit. This should all be over within a month or two" I said as I walked into the living room. "But what if it isn't? What if...what if this is the new normal" she said shaking her head. I sighed a kneel down and grabbed her hands. "We will get through this, I promise" I said holding her hands. She shook her head and stood up. I watched her walking into her office and shut the door. I sighed and grabbed the remote and turned the TV off. I walked into the kitchen and began to prepare our favorite meal. When the food was cooking I began to bake a cake. After at least an hour everything was done. I sat the table and called for Kellita. "Wh-Oh my god...babe..." she said smiling softly. "When I promise something..please take my word for it..or at least take a bite of my food" I said with a laugh. She smiled and walked over to the table and kissed my cheek. "This is amazing.." she said. "We got this...I promise" I said. "Pinky promise?" She asked. I held my pinky out and crossed it with hers. "Pinky promise" I said softly. She smiled and sat down and began to eat. This was going to be the best quarantine.

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