I can't go without you-Nat

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I was 19 when I found out I was very sick,no not cancer but I was just very sick. I was sure I was going to die soon but My boyfriend Nat said I wasn't going to die. He just didn't want to let go. I understood that but he had to let me go. (IF YOU LOVE ME LET ME GOOOOOOOO XD) It was a normal Sunday Evening. I was cooking Y/F/M (Your favorite meal) When My Boyfriend walked in "Hey Baby" He said and kissed my head "Hello Bub" I said and kisses his cheek. I returned to cooking and he watched "How was your day" He asked "Same old same old" I said and he nodded "What about you?" I asked "Good,I got my hand chopped off in the show" He said "Oh how lovely" I said with a weak laugh,My whole body had been killing me all day but I didn't want Nat to know "Everything okay?" He asked and I nodded. It hurt to talk,to walk,to even breathe. I finished cooking,ate,and went to bed.

(Tigger warning ahead! ⚠️YOU HAVE BE WARNED ⚠️)

-Nat's POV-

Y/n went to bed at 9pm,she normally doesn't go to bed until 1am. I stood up and grabbed my phone and called her doctor (BOLD IS THE NURSE) "Hello?" "Hello this is Nat Zang calling for Doctor brock (IDK)" "He'll be with you in just a few seconds" I waited and Waited until I heard a voice "Hello This Is Doctor Brock,How may I help you Mr.Zang" (Doc) "It's Y/n,she's acting weird" "Well,whats going on" " She went to bed early,she's really pale,and shes short breathed" "Keep a close eye on her Nat is all I can say" "Should I bring her in" "No" "O-Oh okay" "Goodbye Nat"  I walked into me and Y/n's bedroom and found her curled into a ball. I put my cheek on hers to see if she was breathing. She wasn't. I picked her up and ran out of the bedroom. I grabbed my keys and ran out of the house. I put her in the passenger seat and drove off. 

~A Few hours later~

Y/n was dead. I lost her. I knew I couldn't keep her alive but that's all I wanted. I was alone. In my house. In the dark. Crying. Please just bring her back.

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