(20 more until 100) Love? What's that-Dj

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I woke up one morning feeling like today was going to be a good day and it was for the most part but than I saw him. Dj,My crush who I have liked for about 10 years now. I took a deep breath and walked over to the desk were I worked. I sat down and started typing away. I did more work than I was supposed to but I didn't care and My boss didn't either so it was a win,win deal. I was working when I heard someone chuckle. I looked up and saw Dj. "Well Look at what we've got here" I blushed and looked away "Hey Dj" I mumbled "Hey" He said "What's up?" I asked "Well I'm here to say goodbye" I looked up and my eyes were wide "Wh-What" I said with heart break in my voice "I'm going to LA To shoot a TV show" He said "O-oh" I said "Yep,Anyways Thank you for all the good times and all the times in middle school and High school and well now" He said with a sad smile. All I could do was nod. I stood up and Hugged him. He hugged back but pulled away. "Goodbye" He said and left. I sighed and sat back down. I put my head in my hands and cried. I didn't want him to leave. I cried for the rest of the day. I went home. Ate. Showered and went to bed. I was to depressed to do anything else. I couldn't take the fact that  wouldn't see him everyday anymore. I fell asleep that night crying. I hope this goes away soon. I mean It was all just a crush. Besides What is Love anyways? 

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