YOU LIAR (Addy) pt1

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(Y/n POV) I didn't have any idea where I was and needed to get a group,but how? I've been alone for a while now and I needed food,thank god I'm good at killing Z's because if I weren't I'd be dead Right now. You heard a car approach. The car stopped 
And a beautiful woman stepped out of the car and said "Do you need a group or a ride" I just nodded and She laughed and grabbed my hand and pulled me into the car. "what's your name" the woman asked me I replied with saying "Uh it's Y/n" Her eyes went dark and she said "Have you ever hit someone,like a friend or I don't know CUT THEM" You looked at her and laughed nervously and said "N...No" "LIES" The women said and I gasped "A...a...Addy" I said "YOU THINK" Addy said then told a person named Warren to stop the car,"I WANT HER (OR HIM) OUT SHE CAN'T BE TRUSTED" Addy said I didn't know what to say so I just let them open the door and let me out. *2 days later* I sat on a side of the road and cried,knowing that I'm sad I could do something stupid something I'd regret. I looked up and saw a Z running at me,I sighed and stooded up and Killed it. I saw more in the distance so I ran as fast as I could. I run for at least 2 miles then fall and everything went black...

CLIFF HANGER. Ha Lol I love you guys,part 2 is coming soon I've been sick so I'm sorry😌❤

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