Your what?-Anastasia/Nat

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I was waiting at the airport for my sister Anastasia. I waited and waited then I saw her. I dropped everything and ran to her. I hugged her tightly and She hugged back tighter. I smiled and held her. "Hey Sis" She said "Hey" I said back. I let go of her and held her move her stuff into my car. I got in and buckled up. She did the same and I drove off.


When we got home I let her move her stuff into the guest room. I sat on the couch. I had to tell her something very Important. I heard keys in the door and looked up and It was Nat. I smiled and Waved and pointed to my stomach. He nodded and kissed my head. I saw Anastasia come downstairs and hug Nat. I sighed and grabbed Anastasia's hands and sat her down. "I have to tell you something" I said,She nodded and I took a deep breath "I'm pregnant" I said. Her Jaw dropped. I closed my eyes as a tear fell. "Your what?" She said "Pregnant" I said as another tear fell. "I'm scared though,I'm 23,me and Nat don't want or need a kid,We're not getting Married yet. I don't know what to do" I said sobbing "Hey It's okay,I'll be here for you and with you" She said Smiling "You guys are going to be fine" She added. I smiled and Held my stomach "Yeah. We're Going to be great" I said wiping my tear.

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