Bad Guy-Murphy

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I was hunting for food with the group well,Most of it. Murphy was back at the truck. "He is such a lazy mother-" I start but am cut off by Warren "Hey,I know your mad but He's not a bad-" Warren got cut off by 10k "He is though Warren,I'm on Y/N's Side" he said and walked beside me "Thank you" I said Smiling "I also agree with the kids" Doc said backing away from Warren. I laughed along with 10k.

~Getting back to the truck~

I got back to the Truck first. Murphy smiled "Hi-" He started "Save it" I said leaning against the truck "Listen,I get it you hate me and you have every right to but Please Know I'm not the bad guy here,This world is the bad guy,The Z's are the bad guy's,The people we've had to fight are the bad guys. I have done some very bad things in the past but,That was the past,I've changed. Every Since Lucy Died,I've been a different person. I'm trying to be a better person. I'm trying for Lucy" He said Heartbreak in his voice. I couldn't help but to tear up and hug him. He hugged back surprised. "I'm sorry Murphy" I said "It's okay Darling" He said smiling and rubbing my back. Warren,10k and Doc were all watching. Warren smiling,Doc wiping his eyes trying not to cry and 10k shaking his head. I pulled away from the hug. "Murphy really isn't a bad guy" I said

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