The night we Met-Kellita

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I was in my room thinking about my ex girlfriend. Kellita. She was the love of my life. But she moved away to do a TV show. It broke me into pieces. I broke up with her because I couldn't be with her if she was far away. I loved her to much. I needed her to much. Her Show is doing really great. I'm proud. I couldn't be more in love with her though. Her and This Man name Keith are very flirty and stuff like that. It makes me Jealous and Angry.  Yes I know she isn't my girlfriend but I still love her. I want to be with her. But she likes him,Needs him,loves him. I'm just  a ex that she will forget about in no time. Mark My Words...

Sorry It's short and Sorry I haven't posted in over a week but I've been really sad lately and I've been just so emotional Ugh. I hate this. Anyways. I love you guys! If you are doing anything for Easter Than I hope you Have fun and If you aren't doing Anything add me on Instagram it's  panicatthelift!! 

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