open arms - warren

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I had just lost my sister, she was the only family I had left and it was breaking me seeing her gone. Warren took me into her arms and held me close as I sobbed into her chest. 10k and my sister were close so I wasn't the only one hurting. The group was quiet, all you could here was my sobs and Warrens sweet whispers.

~flash back~

Me and Y/S/N (your sister's name) were running from Z's who were really fast. I was losing my strength and so was she, we had been split up from our group and we only had knifes. There was no way we were winning this. Before I knew it the group showed up and began to help us fight, but it was to late for my sister. She had been bitten by three Z's. She screamed in pain and fell to the floor once the Z's were dead. My eyes filled with tears very quickly as I ran over to my sister, "Y/S/N no...oh please no" I said through my sobs. "Y-yo-you have to mercy me" she said weakly. Tears were spilling out of my eyes as I picked my weapon up slowly. "Y/S/N I give you mercy..I love you so much" I said before closing my eyes and giving mercy to my sister. I felt her body go limp in my arms. My heart was crushed and my eyes hurt from sobbing so much.

~end of flash back~

We had just buried my sister and now I was on the ground with Warren holding me. She lifted my face with her finger under my chin, " are so strong and I am so proud of you" she said with a soft smile "I know it hurts...and it will for a bit but I know you can get through it" She said. "You always have my shoulder to cry on" She said before kissing my head which made me feel a lot better.

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