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I was crying,I was scared and alone,My boyfriend Brendon (WINK WONK) left me here alone so he could live. I was to busy crying to see 3 Z's coming at me. I cried harder and Harder. The Z's came closer. I looked up and saw a girl with red hair kill the Z's. I looked down so she wouldn't see me crying. More tears fall and The girl yelled "Are you stupid?! First Your Out here alone and Not paying attention?! WHAT THE-" She paused as I had looked up and she could see the tear bursting out of my eyes. She sat down beside me and hugged me. I cried and held her. Even though I didn't know her I still sat there with her,crying. "what happened?" She asked in a soft voice. "M-My boyfriend left and said 'your slowing me down,I need to leave' so he left,taking all the food,leaving me only a gun and blanket" I said tears falling still. "well...I'm so sorry,my name is Addy" she said with a smile "I'm Y/N" I said.

~A few months later~

I was Out hunting with 10k when I Came across a old barn. I told 10k to stay outside and I walked in. I saw Brendon,sitting there,Playing with a gun. I looked at him and dropped my gun. That made him look up. "Y/N? Your sti-how did-when-" He had no words,I didn't either. I ran over to him and hugged him,Yes Yes I know,How dumb of me but he hugged back.

~A few week's later~ (Sorry for all the time skips!!)

I was walking with Brendon and Addy. We Were looking for a place to sleep. Me and Brendon were giggling to each other and goofing off. Addy seemed Mad. I stopped and Walked. Brendon wrapped his arm around me and kissed my head,Like he also use to. I smiled and walked with him. Side to side. Addy seemed even more mad. I didn't know what to do so I let it slide. I grabbed Brendon's hands and played with them. Addy Looked at me and took a deep breathe and shouted "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? Y/N HE LEFT YOU SO HE COULD LIVE! IF HE TRULY LOVED YOU HE WOULD RISK IT ALL FOR YOU! I WOULD FUCKING DIE FOR YOU AND HE WOULD JUST WATCH YOU DIE!" I jumped and looked at her,shocked,Brendon only chuckled and said "You don't stand a chanc-" He was cut off by Addy's fist hitting his face. Brendon fall and got up and ran off. I looked at Addy. I walked over to her and kissed her. She kissed back and held me.

~A few weeks later~

Me and Addy were together,we were happy,we were in love,and nothing and no one could change that. At least that's what I thought.

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