bad boy lover(Keith)

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(Age You=20 Keith=22) *Y/N POV* I was walking around My Block when I saw this very Hot man walking around Shirtless with a Cigarette in his mouth "Oh.My.God" I whisper to myself I Shake my head and keep walking. I started jogging to get more of a work out I was wearing work out clothes. I Saw the same man I saw before but he was with a girl and had his hand around her waist, I sighed and stopped jogging and looked down,I sat down on the sidewalk and played on my phone "Oh my what do we have here" I hear a male voice say, I look up and see the Man I saw shirtless today, May I add he was still shirtless, "Oh uh Hi" I say nervous "Hello Pretty lady" He says I blush "What are you doing alone out here" He ask's "Oh, You know just working out, What about you" I say/ ask "I don't actually know" He laughs "My name is Keith Allan" Keith Says "My name is Y/N Y/L/N" I say "Beautiful Name for a Beautiful girl" He says and I blush "Thank you" I say "Would you like to go on a date" He ask's "But I uh um Sure" I say "Cool Pick you up at 7 pm" He says walking off, I smile and run home. I take a shower and when I get out I change into and black dress and black heels after that i did my hair and makeup then I waited for Keith to get here. When Keith got to my house I opened the door and he was wearing a sweater and black jeans. "wow" Is all I said "You like what you see" He asked "Yes, But let's eat" I said "Ok fine" He said fake mad. 

*AFTER THE DATE* when the date was over he took me to my house "Well this was fun, Can I have your number" He asked "Sure it's Y/P/N" I said "Cool,I'll Cool you" He said "Does that mean you said you would call me but won't call me, Or will you call me" I asked "Here let me show you" He said then kissed me on my lips, I kissed back of course. After the kiss I said "so you will call me" He laughed "Yes yes I will, Well I better get going" He said sad "Oh ok, bye Keith" I said "Bye Y/N" He said then put a cigarette in his mouth and drove off, Dang this man is bad, but super hot.

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